haul UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] verb transitive ADVANCED ■to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty (用力)拉,拖(重物)•They hauled the boat out of the water.他们把船拉上了岸。 •She hauled herself up into the tree.她费劲地爬上了树。 UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] verb transitive haul ass US offensive ■to move very quickly to a different place 快速散开•When the shooting started we hauled ass out of there.枪击开始后,我们就赶快离开了那里。 UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] verb transitive Phrasal Verbs [M often passive] haul sb up informal ■to force someone to go somewhere or see someone in order to be punished or to answer questions about their behaviour 强制(某人)(去某处或见某人以接受惩罚或解释其行为)•He was hauled up in court/in front of a magistrate.他被法庭/地方法官传讯。 UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] noun countable AMOUNT 数量 ■a usually large amount of something that has been stolen or is illegal (赃物或非法物品的)一大批,大量•a haul of arms/drugs大量的武器/毒品 UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] noun countable FISH 鱼 ■the amount of fish caught (鱼的)捕获量•Fishermen have been complaining of poor hauls all year.渔民们整年都在抱怨捕的鱼太少。 UK [hɔ:l] US [hɑ:l] noun countable PERIOD OF TIME 一段时间 ■a journey, often a difficult one, or a period of effort (常指艰苦的)旅程•From there it was a long haul/only a short haul (= long and difficult/short and easy journey) back to our camp.从那里回到我们的营地是一段漫长而艰辛/短暂而轻松的旅程。 •It was a long haul (= It took a long time and was difficult) , but the alterations to the house are finished at last.经过一段漫长而又艰苦的岁月,房屋改建终于完成了。 long-haul flight/short-haul flight ■a long/short journey by air 长/短途飞行 |