gone UK [gɒn] US [gɑ:n] verb past participle of ■go UK [gɒn] US [gɑ:n] preposition UK ■later or older than 晚于;已过•I said I'd be home by six and it's already gone seven.我说过要在六点前回家,可现在已经过了七点了。 UK [gɒn] US [gɑ:n] adjective LEFT 走 [after verb] ■If something is gone, there is none of it left 用完的,用光的•All my money is gone and I have nothing to buy food with.我所有的钱都已花光,没钱买东西吃。 [after verb] ■dead 死了的•Fortunately I'll be dead and gone long before the money runs out.幸运的是,不用等钱花完我就早已一命呜呼了。 •They did everything they could to save him, but he was already too far gone (= too close to death) when the ambulance arrived.他们竭尽全力挽救他的生命,但是当救护车赶到的时候,他早就不行了。 UK [gɒn] US [gɑ:n] adjective PREGNANT 怀孕的 [after noun] informal ■pregnant 怀孕的•How far gone is she (= How long has she been pregnant) ?她怀孕多长时间了? |