sweeping ['swi:.pɪŋ] adjective [before noun] GENERAL 广泛的 ■affecting many things or people; large 影响广泛的,大的•It is obvious that sweeping changes are needed in the legal system.显然,法制体系需要进行大刀阔斧的改革。 •We need to make sweeping cuts to our budget.我们必须大幅削减预算。 sweeping statement/generalization disapproving ■something that you say or write that is too general and that has not been carefully thought about 泛泛之谈;一概而论的说法;过于笼统的概括:•Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.对这种复杂困难的情形作泛泛之谈是没有用的。 ['swi:.pɪŋ] adjective [before noun] WIN 获胜 ■A sweeping win or victory is an easy or complete win 大获全胜,一举获胜,轻易获胜•The party have failed to win the sweeping victory they expected.这个党派没能如愿以偿地大获全胜。 |