germ UK [dʒɜ:m] US [dʒɝ:m] noun ORGANISM 生物体 ADVANCED countable usually plural ■a very small organism that causes disease 病菌;细菌•Wash your hands so you don't get germs on the food.洗洗手,你就不会把细菌弄到食物上了。 •Rats and flies spread germs.老鼠和苍蝇传播病菌。 UK [dʒɜ:m] US [dʒɝ:m] noun AMOUNT 数量 germ of sth only singular ■a small amount, usually one which develops into something large or important (通常指发展成为巨大或重要事物)的发端,发源,萌芽•He found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper.他的想法萌生于一份旧报纸。 |