apologize (UK usually apologise) UK [ə'pɒl.ə.dʒaɪz] US [-'pɑ:.lə-] verb intransitive IMPROVER ■to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused them problems or unhappiness 道歉;认错;谢罪•I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness.我迟到了,必须向伊莎贝尔道个歉。 •Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line - we apologize for any inconvenience caused.北线列车可能会延误,如果给您造成任何不便,我们在此谨致歉意。 •She apologized profusely for having to leave at 3.30 p.m.她必须在下午三点半离开,对此她再三表示歉意。 Common Learner Errors apologise or apology?Warning: do not confuse the verb apologise with the noun apology : ✗ I must insist on an apologise.I must insist on an apology. |