angry ['æŋ.gri] adjective EMOTION 情感 ESSENTIAL ■having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的•He's really angry at/with me for upsetting Sophie.因为我惹了索菲,他很生我的气。 •I don't understand what he's angry about.我不明白他为甚么生气。 •[+ that] They feel angry that their complaints were ignored.没人理睬他们的投诉,他们感到非常愤怒。 •I got really angry with her.我很生她的气。 •It made me really angry.这让我很恼火。 ['æŋ.gri] adjective SEA 海 literary ■describes a stormy sea or sky (大海)波涛汹涌的;(天空)狂风暴雨的 ['æŋ.gri] adjective PAINFUL 痛苦的 ■If an infected area of the body is angry, it is red and painful 红肿的,发炎的,感染的•On her leg was an angry sore.她腿上长了一个疮,又红又肿。 |