介绍 |
BBC古代世界(第一季全6集)[DIY简繁]2010 2-Disc Edition Blu-ray 1080i VC-1 DD2.0-6V 82.18G一视同仁指鹿为马安步当车52. 那母亲的抚摸啊,春天一样,无比温暖,春风一样,无比轻柔,春雨一样,无比滋润。”有消息传来说我校将要举办一个阅读节。79.不以规矩,不成方圆。
制作说明:首次制作BD字幕 时间轴根据原盘ORC字幕调整。
本DIY通过TMT5 TMT3 PowerDVD11 播放通过,其他平台恕不测试。
英文名: BBC:Ancient Worlds Season 1
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: BBC地区: 英国
语言: 英语
考古学家和历史学家Richard Miles在本系列节目中,将带领观众们探寻古代文明的起源,他的旅程将从美索不达米亚创立的第一批城市开始,直到罗马帝国的覆灭。
Ancient Worlds is a six-part odyssey from thefirst cities of Mesopotamia to the Christianisation of the Roman Empire witharchaeologist and historian Richard Miles at the helm. The series tells thestory of what Richard argues is mankind's greatest achievement – civilisation.
The series offers an epic sweep of history againsta panorama of stunning locations and bold propositions about the origins ofhuman society.
In the 21st century we might fondly imagine thatit is humankind's natural state to live together in communities that extendbeyond blood ties. As Ancient Worlds sets out to show, however, no suchassumptions were made by the first clan chiefs who decided to form communitiesin southern Iraq in 4500 BC. There is nothing natural about the city, and itsfounders understood that its very survival relied on compromise, ruthlessness,sacrifice and toil.
In the West we have consigned the term'civilisation' to the museum display case. Embarrassed by its chauvinistic andelitist connotations, we have increasingly taken refuge in more politicallycorrect and soft-focused terms such as 'culture' to explain our origins. Thisseries seeks to rescue civilisation from its enforced retirement and celebratesuch a hard-fought invention.
- Name: 00004.MPLS
- Length: 2:55:52 (h:m:s)
- Size: 43,656,664,896 bytes
- Total Bitrate: 33.10 Mbps
- Codec Bitrate Description
- ----- ------- -----------
- VC-1 Video 31022 kbps 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / Advanced Profile 3
- Codec Language Bitrate Description
- ----- -------- ------- -----------
- Dolby Digital Audio English 448 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB
- Codec Language Bitrate Description
- ----- -------- ------- -----------
- Presentation Graphics English 59.993 kbps
- Presentation Graphics Chinese 48.457 kbps
- Presentation Graphics Chinese 50.216 kbps
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