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单词 roll
释义 roll
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
 IMPROVER  intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep]
■to (cause to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side (使)翻滚;(使)滚动
The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.花瓶从桌边滚落下来摔得粉碎。
The dog rolled over onto its back.那只狗翻了个身四爪朝天躺着。
I rolled the wheel along the side of the road back to the car.我沿路边把车轮滚回到汽车旁。
 IMPROVER  intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep]
■to move somewhere easily and without sudden movements 滚动;滚移;飘移
A tear rolled down his cheek.一滴泪水顺着他的脸颊滚下。
A wave of cigarette smoke rolled towards me.有人在抽烟,一团烟雾向我这边飘来。
The piano's on wheels, so we can roll it into the room.钢琴装有轮子,所以我们可以把它推进屋里来。
■If an aircraft or a ship rolls, it leans to one side and then to the other because of the wind or waves. (船或飞机因为风或浪而)摇晃,摇摆
■If a machine is rolling, it is operating (机器)运转,启动,开动
Just as the television cameras started rolling, it began to pour down with rain.正当电视摄像机启动拍摄时,突然下起了瓢泼大雨。
■If you roll your eyes, you move them so that you are looking up, to show that you consider someone or something stupid or silly (表示认为某人或某事很愚蠢)翻(白眼),向上翻动(眼球)
When he suggested they should buy a new car, she rolled her eyes in disbelief.他建议说他们应该买辆新车,听到这个,她翻了翻白眼,一副不相信自己耳朵的样子。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
 IMPROVER  transitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to (cause something to) turn over onto itself to form a cylinder or a sphere (使)卷;(使)绕;裹;滚搓
He rolled the clay into a ball in his hands.他把黏土用手搓成一个球。
As I got closer, the hedgehog rolled itself (up) into a ball.我靠近时,刺猬缩成了一个球。
■to make a cigarette by wrapping a piece of paper around some tobacco 卷(烟)
intransitive or transitive [+ adv/prep]
■to fold over a piece of clothing or material to make it shorter (被)卷起
We rolled back the carpet to see the floorboards.我们把地毯卷了起来查看地板。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
■to make something smooth and flat 擀平;碾平;滚平
[+ obj + adj] She borrowed a garden roller to roll the grass flat.她借了一台园圃滚压器来把草地轧平。
When you have rolled (out) the pastry, place it in a pie dish.把馅饼皮擀好后放入馅饼盘子里。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
■to make a continuous repeated deep sound 发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响
The drums rolled as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.在咚咚鼓声的伴奏下,杂技演员在钢丝上行走。
■If you roll your r's, you pronounce them with your tongue moving quickly and repeatedly against the top of the mouth 发…的舌尖颤音
The Italians roll their r's.义大利人发r时带有舌尖颤音。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
rolled into one
■If someone or something has several qualities rolled into one, they have all of those qualities 融为一体;集于一身
He is a father, sales manager, and athlete all rolled into one.他是一位父亲、一名销售经理,还是运动员,集三个角色于一身。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
rolling in it (also rolling in money) informal
■extremely rich 非常富有,财源滚滚,腰缠万贯
If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.如果他们可以买得起一艘游艇,那他们肯定富得流油。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
rolling in the aisles informal
■laughing uncontrollably 笑得前仰后合;笑得打滚;乐不可支
The comedian had the audience rolling in the aisles.那个喜剧演员的表演逗得观众乐不可支。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
Roll on the weekend/five o'clock!, etc. UK informal
■said when you want time to go quickly because you are looking forward to something 但愿周末/五点钟等快点到!
I can't wait to be finished with this project - roll on October!我真想这个专案计划马上结束——恨不得十月份快点到!
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
Roll up! Roll up! UK old-fashioned
■said, especially in the past, by someone who wanted people to come and pay to look at something unusual or interesting (尤在旧时用於呼唤人们观看稀罕或有趣的事物)快来看哪!快来看哪!
"Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the amazing bearded lady!" shouted the circus man.“快来看哪!快来看哪!过来看长胡子的怪女人!”那个马戏团的人喊道。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
roll up your sleeves informal
■to prepare for hard work 摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试,捋起袖子(准备行动)
There's a lot of work to do, so roll up your sleeves and get busy.有很多工作要做,捋起袖子来,赶快做吧。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
roll with the punches informal
■to be able to deal with a series of difficult situations 渡过一道道难关;克服一连串困难
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] roll sth back
■to reduce the cost or price of something 减(价),降(价),削减(价格)
The furniture dealer is rolling back the prices on all beds for this week only.家俱商对所有的床降价销售,优惠时间仅本周一周。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   roll by literary
■If an amount of time rolls by, it passes (时间)流逝
The years rolled by, and I didn't see her again until she was married with two children.流年似水,我再见到她时,她已经结了婚有两个孩子了。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   roll in informal
■to arrive in great numbers or amounts 纷至沓来;大量涌入;滚滚而来
Once our business gets started, the money will be rolling in.等我们的生意一开张,就会财源滚滚。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] roll (sth) out
■to make a new product, service or system available for the first time 推出(新产品、服务等);实行(新制度);开展
The government plans to roll out a series of tax cuts over the next few years.政府计划在未来几年中推出一系列的减税措施。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   roll (sth) over sth
■If you roll over something on a computer screen, you move the mouse over an active place so that you can see information that is hidden underneath 滚动,拖动(如果你在电脑萤幕上把滑鼠滚到某处,就是把滑鼠移动到一个活动位置,使你能看到其中隐藏的资讯)
If you roll your mouse over a word, its definition will appear.如果你把滑鼠拖动到某个词上,这个词的定义就会显示出来。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] roll sth up
■to fold something around itself to make the shape of a ball, or to fold cloth around itself to make a piece of clothing shorter 卷起;绕起;使成球(或筒)状
Could you roll up that string for me?你能帮我把那条线绕起来吗?
I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash the dishes.我卷起袖子开始洗碟子。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   roll up informal
■to arrive at a particular place or event, usually late 到来,到达;(通常指)姗姗来迟
They rolled up at the party two hours late and rather drunk.派对开始两小时后他们才醉醺醺地赶到。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] noun
 IMPROVER  countable
■a piece of film, paper or cloth that is rolled into the shape of a tube 一卷;筒形物;卷轴
a roll of carpet一卷地毯
a toilet roll (= a roll of toilet paper)一卷卫生纸
■If a person or animal has rolls of fat on their body, they are very fat (人或动物身上由于肥胖而突起的)赘肉,肥肉
The dog had rolls of fat along its neck.这条狗脖子上有一圈圈的赘肉。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] noun
countable (also bread roll)
■a small loaf of bread for one person 面包卷;小圆面包
Would you like a roll and butter with your soup?要不要来份奶油面包卷配你的汤?
UK I bought a cheese roll (UScheese on a roll) (= a small piece of bread filled with cheese) for lunch.我午饭买了一个起司面包卷吃。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] noun
■an official list of names 名单;花名册;登记表
Is your name on the electoral roll (= the list of people who can vote) ?你的名字在选民册上吗?
take/call the roll mainly US
■If you take/call the roll, you read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present 点名
The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.老师点名看是否有学生缺席。
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] noun
■when something or someone rolls on the ground 滚动;打滚;翻滚
The dog went for a roll in the grass.狗跑到草丛里打了个滚。
a roll in the hay humorous
■sexual activity which is quick and enjoyable and does not involve serious feelings 苟合;野合(a roll in the hay 是指“在干草上打滚”;暗示快速的、令人愉快的性行为,不涉及认真的感情)
I wouldn't sacrifice my marriage for a roll in the hay with a waitress.我绝不会为了在一个女侍者身上找刺激而牺牲了我的婚姻。
■The roll of a ship or aircraft is its movement from side to side in the water or air. (船或飞机的)左右摇晃,摇摆
UK [rəʊl] US [roʊl] noun
countable usually singular
■a continuous repeated deep sound 发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响
a drum roll一阵鼓声
a deafening roll of thunder一阵震耳欲聋的雷声
■roll 1




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