介绍 |
◎剧情简介: 故事梗概: 咖啡厅一个飘忽的服务生询问了每个客人问题“你相信有天使吗”2网友沉溺在虚拟世界的天使现象;保险经纪忙碌着天使护航服务;商人相信风水能助他一臂之力;邵只希望享受当下;詹姆斯相信钱就是他的天使;天使也许自己也无法面对自己的黑暗! Synopsis|: A absent-minded waitress asked every customers in the coffee shop a question: Do you believe in angels? Two cyber-friends indulged in a computer game which about angels in the virtual world. A insurance broker was busy selling her “Angel Escort” insurance plan. Real estate businessman was sure that Feng Shui would help him. Miss Shao just wanted to enjoy life and her friend James believed that money is his angel. Even the angel was unable to face her dark side.