介绍 |
◎剧情简介: 每当卡罗尔照镜子的时候——不管何时何地哪块镜子——她都能看见令自己心惊胆战的恐怖景象。然而她不是灵媒,并不能跟鬼魂沟通,她只是一个被吓坏了的女人。这时一个英俊的陌生人进入了卡罗尔的生活,到底他是来帮卡罗尔摆脱困境,还是另有其他阴险的目的呢? When Carol looks into a mirror -- any mirror -- she sees images that horrify and repulse her. She's not a Medium, she's not a Ghost Whisperer, she's a frightened young woman on the edge of madness. Will the handsome stranger who offers to help turn out to be her salvation, or her final vision of terror? Written by Kate Duncan