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◎剧情简介: 92威尼斯国际电影节观众评选最佳影片奖。 小男孩Nikola与父母和姐姐搬到新城市,他们面对着艰苦的生活,姐姐患病急待去保加利亚医治;爸爸在婚礼上为别人伴奏谋生;妈妈每天要打两份工,一份做家教给小孩教外语,另一份要照顾那些独居的老人,实在忙不过来只好让Nikola帮忙,在与那些老人的交往中,Nikola的善良纯真逐渐让他们从孤独的生活中走了出来,他们成了忘年之交,然而快乐是短暂的,生命是无情的,老人们一个个去世了,而活着的人却还要为儿女们的遗产争夺而苦恼。。。 Set in post-communist, pre-war Serbia, a smart 10-year-old boy lives with his quarrelsome young parents and sick sister. While Papa teaches music and Mama searches for her identity in a job, Nikola is left on his own. He finds the warmth and understanding that are missing at home in the company of the elderly people his mother shops and cleans for. Because of their advanced age, however, the old folks start disappearing. Faced with the pain of their loss, it isn't clear whether Nikola will grow up, or retreat into a world of pleasant dreams.