mistress ['mɪs.trəs] noun WOMAN IN CONTROL 女性控制 [S or U] old-fashioned ■a woman who has control over or responsibility for someone or something 女主人;女能人;起主宰作用的女子•I'll inform the mistress (of the house) of your arrival, madam.夫人,我去告诉女主人您来了。 •She intends to remain mistress of (= in charge of) her own life when she gets married.她想在结婚后仍做自己生活的主人。 countable UK old-fashioned ■a female school teacher 女教师•She got a good report from her German mistress.她的德语女教师给了她很好的成绩。 countable old-fashioned ■a female owner of a dog 狗的女主人 ['mɪs.trəs] noun SEXUAL PARTNER 性伴侣 countable ■a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man 情妇•Edward VII and his mistress, Lillie Langtry爱德华七世和他的情妇莉莉‧兰翠 |