介绍 |
◎又名:Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish
◎语言:西班牙语 / 英语
◎片长:27分钟(每集) / 52集
◎剧情简介: 来自洛杉矶的女律师Raquel Rodríguez受雇于Fernando Castillo家族。Fernando一直以来认为他的第一任妻子Rosario在西班牙内战中被杀,但是在一次偶然的来信中他获知Rosario并未死去。她活下来了,而且怀上了他从未见过的两人的孩子。Fernando的弟弟Pedro请律师Raquel来调查此事,寻找Rosario和这个未知孩子的真相。在调查过程中,Raquel游历了很多的西语地方:西班牙的塞维利亚和马德里,阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯,波多黎各的圣胡安和圣日耳曼,以及墨西哥。在这些不同的地方,Raquel经历了很多冒险故事,结识了自己的至爱,也面临着许多戏剧性的冲突。 Destinos recounts the story of Los Angeles-based lawyer Raquel Rodríguez who is hired by the family of Fernando Castillo (Augusto Benedico). He had discovered that his first wife, Rosario, did not die in the Spanish Civil War as he had believed, but had survived and had an unknown child. In the course of her investigation of the case, Raquel travels to a number of Spanish-speaking areas — Seville and Madrid, Spain; Buenos Aires, Argentina; San Juan and San Germán, Puerto Rico; and Mexico — has a number of adventures and mishaps, meets a love interest (Arturo Puig) and faces a number of melodramatic conflicts. Recurring plot elements include Raquel traveling in pursuit of the investigation, letters (primarily to determine last known addresses of people), comic mix-ups, and death (although nobody dies during the series, many characters are found to have died and Don Fernando is on the verge of dying).