介绍 |
◎又名:Mountain Snake
◎剧情简介: SYNOPSIS Tan-shil, born in the poor outbacks of Mt. Jiri, moves to Seoul to work for Wu Man-chan. Wu tries to seduce Tan-shil who attends to his wife. Mrs. Wu, who wants to keep her husband at home, urges Tan-shil to attend to his needs. When Tan-shil becomes pregnant with Wu's child, she is locked inside an apartment and when Mrs. Wu takes her newborn son away, Tan-shil returns to her home. 故事 吉日人,中国人,是汉城安国洞总裁家族的成员。已经离开他家很长时间的副总统,被他妻子羁押的叔叔走近。妻子没有意识到这一点,故意强迫附庸担任副总统,担任副主席。在与副总统的关系中,一名孕妇被关在一间偏远的公寓里,她生下一个儿子,被妻子抢劫后,她被送回家乡。