介绍 |
◎又名:A Pillar of Mist
◎剧情简介: SYNOPSIS 'I' marry the man I love and give birth to a baby and years pass by. 'I' often have a fight with 'him' on account of job and at last quit the job. Meanwhile, 'he' gets promoted and gets distant from 'me'. In the end, 'he' takes the children away. Being left alone, 'I' look back on myself and takes up the job and the life. Finally, 'I' leave 'him'. 故事 作为一名大学生,“多才多艺”的我遇到了他,在毕业的同时结了婚,生下了他的第一个孩子,一年过去了,但“他”正在成为社会地位gamyeo提高那张就像是两天了从“或”习惯“那个”的忏悔和宽恕温尼“我” damdamhi接受离家出走“那些”人是非常令人羡慕这个家庭正在奔跑,但是我放弃了第三个孩子,面对着他的非人格特征。“他没有像过去那样进入屋子,他会带着孩子们走,”我看着自己,离开了自己的生活,终于离开了他。