内容推荐 这是针对四年级学生设计的一本英语课外读物,书中精选了50个短小精悍的寓言故事,并配备了纯正、准确的听力音频,旨在通过有趣的寓言故事和高质量的音频来提高学生的英语听力和阅读能力。为了帮学生扫除听力障碍,书中列出了每个故事中比较难的单词,让学生在听故事的同时增加词汇量储备。为了辅助学生准确理解寓言故事,书中还给出了参考译文。此外,每个寓言故事还设计了选择题形式的能力测试题,旨在让学生加深对寓言故事的理解。 目录 1. The Fox and the Cock 2. The Peacock and the Crane 3. The Fox and the Snake 4. The Fox and the Stork 5. The Wolf in Sheep’s Skin 6. The Fox and the Monkey 7. The Fir Tree and the Thorn 8. The Flea and the Man 9. The Oak and the Reeds 10. The Mistress and Her Servants 11. The Donkey and His Shadow 12. The Farmer and His Sons 13. The Weasel and the Cock 14. The Dogs and the Hides 15. The Fox and the Leopard 16. The Horse and the Stag 17. The Man and the Lion 18. The Fox Without Tail 19. The Dog and the Shadow 20. The Wolves and the Sheep 21. The Fisherman Playing the Flute 22. The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox 23. The Lion and the Wild Donkey 24. The Rich Man and the Tanner 25. The Old Woman and the Wine Jar 26. The Viper and the File 27. The Captured Bugler 28. The Escaped Jackdaw 29. The Lion King and the Monkey 30. The Fox and the Lion 31. The Farmer and the Stork 32. The Bald Man and the Mosquito 33. The Stag and the Vine 34. The Sick Stag 35. The Heifer and the Ox 36. The Kingdom of the Lion 37. The Donkey and His Driver 38. The Lion and the Hare 39. The Bull and the Calf 40. The Astronomer 41. The Laborer and the Snake 42. The Bald Hunter 43. The Mule 44. The Hound and the Lion 45. The Frogs and the Well 46. The Crab and the Fox 47. The Pig and the Sheep 48. The Rivers and the Sea 49. The Wolf and the Horse 50. The Wasp and the Snake 导语 ★原文精品:所有听力材料均选自《伊索寓言》《拉封丹寓言》及英美国家儿童寓言故事。 ★目标设置:按照《英语课程标准》规定的标准,为不同年级的小学生配备相应的听力材料。 ★随文释义:听力材料后附有浅显易懂的中文翻译,方便小学生理解文章大意。 ★理解测试:设置测试题,以检验小学生对听力材料的理解程度。 ★语音纯正:特聘请专业人士录制音频,发音纯正,语速适中。可扫码听音频。 |