bitch [bɪtʃ] noun ANIMAL 动物 countable ■a female dog 母狗 [bɪtʃ] noun UNPLEASANT PERSON 坏人 countable offensive ■an unkind or unpleasant woman 坏女人;悍妇•She can be a real bitch.她真是个坏女人。 [bɪtʃ] noun PROBLEM 麻烦 only singular informal ■something which causes difficulties or problems, or which is unpleasant 带来麻烦的事;令人讨厌的事•I've had a bitch of a week at work.我这星期的工作很不顺利。 [bɪtʃ] noun COMPLAINT 抱怨 only singular informal ■when you complain or talk unkindly about people 抱怨,牢骚•Most of us enjoy having a (good) bitch from time to time.我们大多数人都喜欢不时地(痛快地)发牢骚。 [bɪtʃ] noun CONTROLLED PERSON 被控制的人 countable offensive slang ■someone who will do everything you tell them to do because you have complete control over them 被控制的人 [bɪtʃ] noun life's a bitch (and then you die) ■said when you find a situation difficult or have had a bad experience 人生真受罪 [bɪtʃ] verb intransitive informal ■to complain and make unkind remarks about someone or something 抱怨;挖苦;说坏话•She's always bitching about Tanya.她总是说塔亚坏话。 |