documentary UK [ˌdɒk.jʊ'men.tər.i] US [ˌdɑ:.kjə'men.tˌɚ-] noun countable IMPROVER ■a film, television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject (电影或电视)纪录片;纪实性广播节目•The documentary took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.这部纪录片从一个崭新的角度介绍了达尔文的一生。 •They showed a documentary on animal communication.他们放映了一部关于动物之间交流沟通的纪录片。 UK [ˌdɒk.jʊ'men.tər.i] US [ˌdɑ:.kjə'men.tˌɚ-] adjective [before noun] ■in the form of documents 文件的;文书的•Human rights campaigners have discovered documentary evidence of torture.人权活动家们已经发现了刑讯逼供的书面证据。 UK [ˌdɒk.jʊ'men.tər.i] US [ˌdɑ:.kjə'men.tˌɚ-] adjective [before noun] ■giving facts and information about a subject in the form of a film, television or radio programme (以电影、电视、无线电广播的形式)呈现某一主题的事实和资讯的•Most of her films have a documentary style.她的电影大多是纪实风格。 |