内容推荐 《中国写意花鸟画》(Chinese Free-hand Flower Painting)为著名学者王芳荃用在20世纪30年代用英文撰写的中国传统绘画普及读本,本次由上海书店出版社影印出版。全书共分上下两部分,上半部分简要介绍中国写意花鸟画的传统与历史变迁,下半部分则介绍了写意花鸟画的具体创作手法与技巧,是一本向西方读者传播中华优秀传统文化,普及中国绘画的作品。全书还收录了不少中国古代写意花鸟画的作品,直观可鉴,既具有学术价值,也具有大众阅读的可读性。 目录 List of Illustrations Introduction PARTⅠ.HISTORY OF FREE-HAND FLOWER PAINTING Chapter Ⅰ.Historical background of free-hand flower painting Chapter Ⅱ.The Free-hand style of flower painting in Ming dynasty. Chapter Ⅲ.The Free-hand style of flower painting in Ching dynasty Chapter Ⅳ.Contemporary artists of the free-hand style of flower painting PART Ⅱ.METHODS OF FREE-HAND FLOWER PAINTING Chapter Ⅴ.Calligraphy and its relation to free-hand flower painting. Chapter Ⅵ.How to paint the three principal parts of a plant. Chapter Ⅶ. How to paint birds and insects Chapter Ⅷ. Coloring and composition Chapter Ⅸ.Principles involved in judging paintings of the free- hand type Chapter Ⅹ.The value of reproduced prints of paintings by famous artists Appendix A. Rules and canons of painting Appendix B. Bibliography Index