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书名 生存交际汉语(HSK1级2级中短期生存汉语系列教材)
分类 人文社科-文化-民族/民俗文化
出版社 西南财经大学出版社
第一课 自我介绍 Introducing oneself
一、课文 Text
二、练习 Exercises
1.语音练习 Pronunciation Drills
2.会话练习 Conversation Practice
介绍别人 Introducing others
自我介绍 Introducing oneself
三、语音 Phonetics
1.汉语拼音的声母和韵母(1) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin(1)
2.发音要领(1) Key points of pronunciation(1)
3.汉语的音节 Chinese Syllables
4.汉语的声调(四声) Tones
5.汉语的轻声 The Neutral Tone
6.拼音规则(1):标调法 Rules of Pinyin(1):Tone Marking
7.儿化的发音 The Retroflex Final
8.“一”的变调 Tone Sandhi of “一(yī)”
四、语法 Grammar
1.汉语的语序 Word order in Chinese
2.“是”字句(1) The “是(shì)”Sentence(1)
3.表领属关系的定语结构助词“的” Attributives expressing possession:The Structural Particle “的(de)”
五、文化知识 Cultural Note
中国人的名字 Chinese Names
第二课 打招呼 Say Hello
一、课文 Text
二、练习 Exercises
1.语音练习 Pronunciation Drills
2.会话练习 Conversation Practice
问候别人 Greetings
三、语音 Phonetics
1.汉语拼音的声母和韵母(2) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin(2)
2.发音要领(2) Key points of pronunciation(2)
3.“不”的变调 Tone Sandhi of “不bù”
4.两个三声音节的连读变调 Tone Sandhi:3^(rd) tone + 3^(rd) tone
5.发音辨析:韵母i、u、ü Differentiation:pronunciation of the finals i、u、ü
6.发音辨析:前鼻音韵母n和后鼻音韵母ng Differentiation:pronunciation of the alveolar nasal n and the velar nasal ng
四、语法 Grammar
1.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an Adjectival Predicate
2.副词“也”和“都”的位置 The position of the Adverbs “也yě”and“都dōu”
3.形容词谓语句和副词“很” Sentences with an adjectival predicate and the Adverb “很hěn”
4.用“吗”的疑问句 Interrogative Sentences with “吗ma”
5.用“呢”构成的省略式问句 Abbreviated questions with “呢ne”
五、文化知识 Cultural Note
家庭及亲属表达方式 Forms of Address for Family and Relatives
第三课 点菜 Order foods
一、课文 Text
二、练习 Exercises
1.语音练习 Pronunciation Drills
2.会话练习 Conversation Practice
点菜 Order dishes
建议 Making suggestions
三、语音 Phonetics
1.汉语拼音的声母和韵母(3) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin(3)
2.发音要领(3) Key points of pronunciation(3)
3.发音辨析:声母zh、ch、sh、r Differentiation:pronunciation of the initials zh,ch,sh,r
4.发音辨析:声母j、q、x 和z、c、s Differentiation:pronunciation of the initials j,q,x and z,c,s
5.拼音规则(2):省写 Rules of Pinyin(2):Abbreviation
6.拼音规则(3):y、w 的用法 Rules of Pinyin(3):use of y and w
7.拼音规则(4):单韵母ü 和ü 开头的韵母跟j、q、x 相拼的规则 Rules of Pinyin(4):ü or finals led by ü with j,q,x
8.拼音规则(5):隔音符号 Rules of Pinyin(5):syllable-diving mark
四、语法 Grammar
1.动词谓语句 Sentences with a verbal Predicate
2.疑问代词“几” Interrogative Pronoun “几jǐ”
3.用“请”的祈使句 Imperative Sentences with “请qǐng”
4.数量词作定语 Numeral-measure words as attributives
5.可能补语:V得/不+Complements of Possibility Complements of Possibility Introduced by “V 得/不”
6.能愿动词谓语句:想、要 Sentences with the Modal verbs:“想xiǎng”“要yào”
7.疑问代词“什么” The Interrogative Pronoun “什么shénme”
8.连词“和” The Conjunctions “和hé”
9.语气助词“吧” The Modal Particle “吧ba”
10.程度副词“太” The Adverb “太tài”
五、文化知识 Cultural Note
中国人的日常膳食 Chinese People's Daily Meals
第四课 买东西 Shopping
一、课文 Text
二、练习 Exercises
1.表达意愿与必要 Expressing one's desire or need
2.建议 Making suggestions
3.谈喜好 likes and dislikes;评论Making comments
4.买东西 Shopping
5.请求重复 Asking someone to repeat something
三、语法 Grammar
1.“有”字句 Sentences with “有(yǒu)”
2.介词“在” The Preposition “在(zài)”
3.介词短语 Prepositional phrase
4.疑问代词“哪儿、哪、怎么样、多少” Interrogative Pronoun “




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