debate [dɪ'beɪt] noun countable or uncountable IMPROVER ■(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part 谈论,讨论;争论,辩论•Education is the current focus of public debate.教育是目前大众谈论的焦点。 •How we proceed from here is a matter for debate.我们还需要讨论下一步该怎样做。 •Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.一年来,我们就未来的政策进行了几次讨论。 [dɪ'beɪt] verb ADVANCED intransitive or transitive ■to discuss a subject in a formal way 讨论;争论•In Parliament today, MPs debated the Finance Bill.今天在议会上议员们讨论了财政法案。 •They had been debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion.他们已经争论了好几个小时,仍然没有得出一个结论。 •[+ question word] The authorities debated wh ether to build a new car park.政府有关部门就是否要修建一座新停车场进行了讨论。 transitive ■to try to make a decision about something 斟酌;考虑•[+ question word] We debated wh ether to take the earlier train.我们考虑到底要不要乘早一点的那班列车。 •I'm still debating what colour to paint the walls.我还在考虑要把墙刷成甚么颜色。 |