内容推荐 本书不仅仅是一本车辆工程专业技术的英文版教材,而且是一部规范的英语语言类书籍、一部车辆工程领域的百科全书。书中内容既对车辆工程专业的重要知识点有全面的覆盖,又进行了充分的拓展和延伸,在遵循与专业课程相对应的同时,注重相关知识体系的全面构建,保证结构的系统与严谨,又不失内容的丰富和新颖。书中设置了车辆工程基本知识、发展历程、汽车文化、车辆构造、保养与维修、市场与服务等6大部分,共计17章,书后配有专业词汇的缩略词表,可实现简称、全称及中文名称的对照查询。本书的撰写注重知识结构与综合素质兼顾,内容组织上由浅入深,灵活匹配章节内容,除了建立良好的专业素养外,又具备与其相适应的历史、文化、艺术等人文底蕴,章节设置与内容安排避免单一与枯燥,易于激发学生的学习热情,重点内容突出的同时又为学生提供了丰富的个性化选择。 本书可作为高等院校车辆工程相关专业的英语教材,也可作为科技人员的参考用书,具有一定英语水平的普通读者也可以把它作为了解汽车、丰富相关知识、提高外语水平的科普读物。 目录 Section I Motor Vehicle Basics Chapter 1 Introduction of Motor Vehicles 1.1 Definition of Motor Vehicles 1.2 Parts and Systems of Motor Vehicles 1.2.1 Basic Parts and Systems 1.2.2 Working Equipment 1.3 Motor Vehicles and Society 1.3.1 Promoting the Development of Social Economy 1.3.2 Accelerating the Road Transportation 1.3.3 Imp.roving the Quality of Life 1.3.4 Influencing Ecological Environment 1.3.5 Building Harmony of Motor Vehicles and Society Reading Material Chapter 2 Classification of Motor Vehicles 2.1 Functions 2.1.1 Cars 2.1.2 Buses 2.1.3 Off-Road Vehicles 2.1.4 Trucks 2.1.5 Truck-Tractors 2.1.6 Recreational Vehicles 2.1.7 Racing Cars 2.1.8 Vehicles for Special Transportation 2.1.9 Vehicles for Special Work 2.1.10 Agricultural Vehicles 2.2 Energy Resources 2.2.1 Conventional Vehicles 2.2.2 All-Electric Vehicles 2.2.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2.2.4 Fuel Cell Vehicles 2.3 Body Types 2.3.1 Sedans 2.3.2 Hardtops 2.3.3 Hatchbacks 2.3.4 Convertibles 2.3.5 Vans 2.3.6 Station Wagons 2.3.7 Sport Utility Vehicles 2.3.8 Pickup Trucks Reading Material Section II Motor Vehicle Development Chapter 3 History of Motor Vehicles 3.1 History of Foreign Automobiles 3.1.1 Steam Powered Vehicles 3.1.2 Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles 3.2 History of Chinese Automobiles 3.3 Progress of Motor Vehicles Reading Material Chapter 4 Future of Motor Vehicles 4.1 Lightweight Light Weight 4.1.1 Alloys 4.1.2 Plastic and Polymers 4.1.3 Composite Materials 4.2 Intelligence Smart Vehides 4.2.1 Safety Technologies 4.2.2 Automatic Technologies 4.3 Saving Energy 4.3.1 Design of Structures 4.3.2 Diversity for Fuels 4.4 Green Vehicles 4.4.1 Alternative Fuel Vehicles 4.4.2 Electric Vehicles 4.4.3 Solar Vehicles Reading Material Section III Motor Vehicle Culture Chapter 5 Notabilities of Motor Vehicles 5.1 Nicolaus August Otto 5.1.1 Otto's First Engine 5.1.2 Partnership with Langen 5.1.3 The Four-Stroke Engine 5.2 Karl Friedrich Benz and Gottlieb Daimler 5.2.1 Karl Friedrich Benz 5.2.2 Gottlieb Daimler 5.3 Henry Ford and William Crapo Durant 5.3.1 Henry Ford 5.3.2 William Crapo Durant 5.4 Kiichiro Toyoda 5.4.1 The Great Exploration 5.g.2 The Toyota Motor Corporation 5.4.3 Toyota Production Systems Reading Material Chapter 6 Famous Vehicle Industrial Groups 6.1 Automotive Groups 6.1.1 European Automotive Groups 6.1.2 American Automotive Groups 6.1.3 Asian Automotive Groups 6.2 Heavy Vehicle Companies 6.2.1 Caterpillar Corporation 6.2.2 Terex Corporation 6.2.3 CNH Industrial Group 6.2.4 John Deere Company 6.2.5 Sany Heavy Industries Company Reading Material Chapter 7 Automotive Fashion 7.1 Automotive Recreation 7.1.1 Automobile Clubs 7.1.2 Cars and Movies 7.2 Automotive Exhibitions 7.2.1 Automotive Shows 7.2.2 Concept Vehicles 7.3 Automotive Cities 7.3.1 Detroit 7.3.2 Toyota City 7.3.3 Stuttgart 7.3.4 Turin 7.3.5 Wolfsburg 7.3.6 Tokyo 7.3.7 Paris 7.3.8 Birmingham 7.3.9 Rtisselsheim 7.3.10 Boulogne- Billancourt Reading Material Section IV Motor Vehicle Structure Chapter 8 Internal Combustion Engines 8.1 Engine Operation 8.2 Engine Classifications 8.2.1 Fuel Type 8.2.2 Cooling System Types 8.2.3 Cylinder Arrangements 8.2.4 Valve Locations 8.3 Construction of Engines 8.3.1 The Engine Bottom End 8.3.2 The Engine Top End 8.3.3 The Engine Front End 8.4 Subsystems of Engines 8.4.1 Fuel Injection Systems 8.4.2 Ignition Systems 8. |