内容推荐 本书是一部英文版的数学专著,深入研究了多项式映射的渐近簇,中文书名可译为《多项式映射的渐近簇》。本书作者为罗恩·佩雷茨(Ronen Peretz),以色列人,本·古里安大学数学系教授。他的研究领域为:几何函数论、复变函数论中的极值问题、与多项式映射相关的仿射几何。他同时也是数字图像处理方面的专家。 作者简介 罗恩·佩雷茨(Ronen Peretz),以色列人,本·古里安大学数学系教授。他的研究领域为:几何函数论、复变函数论中的极值问题、与多项式映射相关的仿射几何。他同时也是数字图像处理方面的专家。 目录 1 introduction 2 A Theorem of J. Hadamard 3 Asymptotic and Sequential Asymptotic Values of Polynomial Maps 4 The Asymptotic Values of a Polynomial Map C2 → C2 Form a Va-riety which is the Union of Two Natural Algebraic Curves in C2 5 The Resultant Formulation of the Jacobian Conjecture 6 The Jacobian Conjecture in Dimension 2 is Decidable 7 A Straight Forward Inductive Approach Fails 8 Grading an Algebra with a Derivation - Introduction 9 Grading an Algebra According To a Derivation 10 The Structure of the D-classes 11 Application to Automorphisms of Polynomial Rings 12 Elementary Properties of Resultants of Jacobian Pairs 13 Invertible Morphisms their Resultants and Inversion Formulas 14 The Rigidity of Morphisms 15 The Fibre Theorem 16 Expressing the Jacobian and the Resultant in Grassmann Coordi-nates 17 One More Inversion Formula and an Equivalent Formulation to the Jacobian Conjecture 18 Parametrization of the Jacobian Variety 19 More Statements which are Equivalent to the Jacobian Conjecture Bibliography 编辑手记 |