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书名 | 赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇(6年级) |
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作者 | 编者:赖世雄 |
出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 赖世雄主编的《赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇(6年级)》由100篇阅读理解组成,分为基础篇;提高篇。题型由小学阅读理解中出现的四种题型组成。每篇阅读理解配有中文翻译,生词注释、答案详解,美音朗读音频。文章选材由国外流行以及国内经典的短文组成,风趣、幽默、活泼,或是富有教育意义。学生不仅提高阅读水平,增加词汇量,还可体会道德教育意义,在笑中轻松地学习。 作者简介 赖世雄,教授,是闻名海峡两岸的英语教学专家,先后获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播与英语教学双硕士学位。担任托福专任讲师十八年,也是托福成绩满分纪录保持人之一。曾任上海复旦大学及大连外国语学院客座教授。现任常春藤解析英语杂志社社长,著有英语升学、进修、生活英语丛书共计两百余种,并担任十多家电台英语教学节目广播主讲。 1993年赖世雄教授开始担任中央人民广播电台英语教学节目主播,时间长达十二年,教学方式风趣幽默、深入浅出、平易近人,深受广大听众的推崇。 2003年赖教授经由《中国图书商报》评选为中国英语教学十大名师之一。2004年至今担任北京市政府主办英语活动之主讲教授。 赖教授深入研究英语教学,对广大英语学习者的需求有极为透彻的了解,长期以来受邀至各地演讲,不遗余力地向读者传授英语学习的经验。 目录 基础篇 Passage 1 The monkey gains a moon Passage 2 Never get more Passage 3 Different school rules in different countries Passage 4 A newspaper boy Passage 5 A big girl Passage 6 Calendar Passage 7 My classmates' hobbies Passage 8 An interesting riddle Passage 9 Aren't you his mother? Passage 10 A wonderful phone Passage 11 Why do people read newspapers? Passage 12 The package Passage 13 A stupid boy Passage 14 The wind and the sun Passage 15 Where was MrsBrown? Passage 16 A dishonest man Passage 17 A crow and a fox Passage 18 Snow White and seven little men Passage 19 The frog in the shallow well Passage 20 An invitation Passage 21 How to make our dream come true? Passage 22 Play school Passage 23 At the sea Passage 24 A fox and a cock Passage 25 Mary's school schedule Passage 26 Father eats a fly Passage 27 How to make new friends in a new school? Passage 28 Willie and his nice pet Passage 29 No wings Passage 30 Sports are good for us Passage 31 The importance of plant Passage 32 Lost and Found Passage 33 Tweedledum and Tweedledee Passage 34 Spear and shield Passage 35 Like a gentleman Passage 36 A wolf and a lamb Passage 37 Einstein and his drive Passage 38 MrGreen's Clothes Store Passage 39 The biggest animal on the land Passage 40 A cute dog Passage 41 Left shoe Passage 42 Don't make your children work too hard Passage 43 God is missing Passage 44 Why are bikes so popular in China? Passage 45 The dog and the cat Passage 46 Collection Passage 47 Jimmy's paintings Passage 48 Are you still looking for that office? Passage 49 The eagle and the bee Passage 50 KFC & Big Pizza 提高篇 Passage 51 Cars in the future Passage 52 Keeping one's word Passage 53 The United States and Canada Passage 54 Grumpy Cat and Miss Cow Passage 55 Christmas Day Passage 56 Sitting on the camel's back Passage 57 Where is my luggage? Passage 58 A lion and a mouse Passage 59 A special wedding Passage 60 Swimming lesson Passage 61 Mrs.Brown Passage 62 Cat Passage 63 New Year's Day Passage 64 Dance Passage 65 A very good goalkeeper Passage 66 One-child policy Passage 67 American food Passage 68 The cleverest man Passage 69 The universe Passage 70 As a teacher for a day Passage 71 A mark on the boat Passage 72 Keeping the park clean Passage 73 He's a butcher! Passage 74 Molly's first performance Passage 75 First Lady of China Passage 76 Mrs.Brown Passage 77 Valentine's Day Passage 78 A brave boy Passage 79 The first English-Mandarin Nursery Passage 80 Following the old man's advice Passage 81 The Little Prince Passage 82 A busy girl Passage 83 Traffic lights Passage 84 Nirvana in Fire-Wu Lei Passage 85 National rule Passage 86 Birthday's gift Passage 87 A student with cerebral palsy Passage 88 Rules at home Passage 89 Outside the Rule Passage 90 Father's love Passage 91 My parents and children Passage 92 Rules at school Passage 93 The youngest photographer Passage 94 The tree and the reed Passage 95 A running race Passage 96 What are people doing in the library? Passage 97 A naughty boy Passage 98 April Fool's Day Passage 99 An unusual girl Passage 100 A pair of precious hands 参考答案与解析 |
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