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书名 | 你了解中国的政党制度吗(英文版)/读懂中国共产党 |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-中国政治 |
作者 | 李君如 |
出版社 | 新世界出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书是为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年而策划的重点图书,也是李君如校长主持、策划的“读懂中国共产党”多语种系列图书的开篇之作。本书围绕“新型政党制度”,从中国的政党、中国新型的政党制度、中国共产党和民主党派的关系、中国新型政党制度和中国人民政治协商会议的关系、政党协商是中国协商民主的重要形式和新型政党制度的重要运行机制、中国新型政党制度对人类政治文明的贡献等六个方面,向国内外读者解读中国共产党的基本政治制度,以及多党合作制形成和发展的历史,在解疑释惑的同时,阐释我国多党合作制度的创新和发展,为世界政党政治发展提供中国智慧和中国方案。 作者简介 李君如,研究员,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。中共中央党校原副校长,第十届全国政协委员,第十一届全国政协常委。中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程咨询委员,兼任中国人权研究会副会长。曾任上海社会科学院院长助理、毛泽东思想研究中心主任、邓小平理论研究中心主任,中共中央宣传部理论局副局长,中共中央党史研究室副主任。主持编写了《邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论学习纲要》和《建设有中国特色社会主义若干理论问题学习纲要》。出版18卷《李君如著作集》,发表数百篇论文,多部著作和论文获国家级奖项。 目录 Preface Chapter Ⅰ China’s Political Parties Political parties are a common phenomenon in today’s world The emergence of modern political parties in China The CPC is born;the KMT is reorganized and becomes reactionary The democratic parties that developed in opposition to KMT dictatorship and during the War Against Japanese Aggression The concept of。democratic parties addition to the CPC there are eight other political parties in China Chapter Ⅱ China’s New Political Party System What is a political party system The failures of the two—party and multiparty systems in China The CPC’s proposal for a multiparty coalition government Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the CPC’s leadership China is party system is a new type of party system Chapter Ⅲ The Relationship Between the CPC and other PoliticaI Parties Willing to follow CPC leadership and make joint plans for progress Long IiVe the CPC.and long fiVe the democratic parties From eight‘character principle to 16一character principIe The concept of“participating parties” Chapter Ⅳ The Relationship.Between China’s New Political Party system and the CPPCC Both the new political party system and the cPPcc grew from the united front The CPPCC:an important institution for muItiparty cooperation and political consultation The CPPCC:an important political and organizationaI form of China is new Ditical party system The significance of the CPPCC as a specialist consuItative body to China-s new political party system Chapter Ⅴ Inter-Party Consultation:A Major Foml of Consultative Democracy and operational Mechanism of the New Political Party System Two forms of democracy with Chinese characteristics:electoral democracy and consultative democracy The status and significance of inter party consultation How does inter—party consultation work Chapter Ⅵ China’s New Political Party System’s Contribution to Human Political Progress A political party system that attractsgathers and trains the nationj S talent A system that overcomes partisan strife A party system that has united over one billion people A political system that has withstood severe tests |
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