内容推荐 徐林主编的《小学生英语听力训练60篇(4年级)》旨在训练英语听力。通过有效的听力练习来提高听力水平。栏目设置既能体现听力训练的方法,也能强化关键步骤。第一步:听关键词了解大意;第二步:听懂语句理解内容;第三步:抓住信息准确答题。题型设置涵盖了小学四年级英语听力中常出现的考查要点和训练形式。文中配有清晰有趣的插图,能帮学生理解故事内容,激发学生主动练习的积极性。扫一扫二维码,听原文录音,方便、快捷。 目录 基础篇 1.At the Beach 2.Riding My New Bike 3.Saving a Goose 4.Jim's Clock 5.An Old Woman and Her Cats 6.A Monkey Looks for a Friend 7.Lele's Toy Rubber Mouse 8.Help the Birds Go back Home 9.Amy and Her Dog 10.Thank You for the Birthday Gift 11.My Hobbies in Four Seasons 12.A Little Girl and Her Doll 13.Where Is the Snowman? 14.Flying Kites 15.Animals in the Zoo 16.They Work Together 17.Fresh Fruit Salad 18.A Free Bus for Dogs in London 19.The Rainy Day 20.Two Letters from Dick 提高篇 21.A Skinny Pig 22.Helen's Family 23.Drawing Eggs 24.Preparing for the Spring Festival 25.Looking for a Home 26.Having Mushrooms for Dinner 27.That's Your Shadow 28.Fruit for the Teacher 29.Father Penguin and Mother Penguin 30: Peter's Dirty Shoes 31.In the Park 32.The Lucky Seed 33.I Love My Cat -- Kitty 34.Max Likes Blue 35.The Red Rose and the Cactus 36.Two Boys on a Farm 37.I'm a Carrot 38.Zoom and Zip 39.A Toy Show 40.Clever Sisters 41.Jumping Is Fun 42.Aunt Judy's Birthday 43.A Woodpecker Is a Good Doctor 44.A Walking Club 45.Joining the Birthday Party 46.A Cat Is Fishing 47.Class Is Over 48.I Know What You Want 49.Going Shopping 50.A Race 51.Cookies for Friends 52.Looking after the Baby Sister 53.The Clumsy Bird 54.Mother Camel and Her Child 55.A Clever Rabbit 56.Healthy Food 57.Miss Rabbit's Carrot Soup 58.Which Skirt to Wear? 59.What's Your Favorite Festival? 60.Three Mothers and a Fox 听力原文 参考答案