内容推荐 系统编程为全世界的计算提供了基础。开发性能敏感代码需要一种编程语言,能够让程序员掌控内存、处理器时间以及其他系统资源。Rust系统编程语言将这种控制力与现代类型系统相结合,可以捕捉到从内存管理错误到线程间数据竞争等各种常见的错误。 通过这本实用指南,有经验的系统程序员将学会如何成功地使用Rust弥补性能和安全之间的差距。Jim Blandy、Jason Orendorff和Leonora Tindall展示了Rust的特性如何通过将可预测的性能与内存安全和可信赖的并发性结合起来,使程序员得以控制内存消耗和处理器的使用。 目录 Preface 1. Systems Programmers Can Have Nice Things Rust Shoulders the Load for You Parallel Programming Is Tamed And Yet Rust Is Still Fast Rust Makes Collaboration Easier 2. A Tour of Rust rustup and Cargo Rust Functions Writing and Running Unit Tests Handling Command-Line Arguments Serving Pages to the Web Concurrency What the Mandelbrot Set Actually Is Parsing Pair Command-Line Arguments Mapping from Pixels to Complex Numbers Plotting the Set Writing Image Files A Concurrent Mandelbrot Program Running the Mandelbrot Plotter Safety Is Invisible Filesystems and Command-Line Tools The Command-Line Interface Reading and Writing Files Find and Replace 3. Fundamental Types Fixed-Width Numeric Types Integer Types Checked, Wrapping, Saturating, and Overflowing Arithmetic Floating-Point Types The bool Type Characters Tuples Pointer Types References Boxes Raw Pointers Arrays, Vectors, and Slices Arrays Vectors Slices String Types String Literals Byte Strings Strings in Memory String Using Strings Other String-Like Types Type Aliases Beyond the Basics 4. Ownership and Moves Ownership Moves More Operations That Move Moves and Control Flow Moves and Indexed Content Copy Types: The Exception to Moves Rc and Arc: Shared Ownership 5. References References to Values Working with References Rust References Versus C++ References Assigning References References to References Comparing References …… 6. Expressions 7. Error Handling 8. Crates and Modules 9. Structs 10. Enums and Patterns 11. Traits and Generics 12. Operator Overloading 13. Utility Traits 14. Closures 15. Iterators 16. Collections 17. Strings and Text 18. Input and Output 19. Concurrency 20. Asynchronous Programming 21. Macros 22. Unsafe Code 23. Foreign Functions Index |