内容推荐 潘文国主编的《中国经典文化走向世界丛书(小说卷1)》介绍:The series will cover a wide range of writings including but not restricted to works of different literary genres. For the first batch, we are glad to provide three books of essays and one book of short stories, all written by authors of the 20th century. They will be continued by a batch of serious academic writings on premodern Chinese classics in philosophy, literature, and historiography, written by influential scholars of our time. 作者简介 李洁,苏州大学英语语言文学专业博士毕业,现为东北大学外国语学院教师。主要研究方向为典籍英译,出版专著《琴声可处不悠扬——中国古典艺术散文英译的审美沟通研究》,发表相关论文十余篇。热爱文学翻译,尤其喜爱中国文学作品的英译,近年出版《世界华文微型小说精选·海外卷》《商之江南》等译著。 目录 The Sea Dream The Tall Woman and Her Short Husband Daban The Beijing People (Excerpts) The True Heroes (Excerpts) Under the Sky (Excerpts) An Old Well The Wilderness Flying Over My Hometown of Maple and Poplar Huang Yao Quhu The Dry Ravine The Stories of the Taibai Mountain (Excerpts) New Literary Sketches (Excerpts) Silence Walking on the Street On Edge The Scissors The President's Last Words Father's Stories: Camel Dung Taotao the Novice Monk The Reincarnation The Death of the Gatekeeper The Horse-carriage Driver The Public Kitchen In the Grass The Earrings The Festival of the Eighteenth The Hidden Darts The Bitter Bamboo A Bird Passing By The Dreamlike Song The Lynx The Debt in 1956