内容推荐 本标准规定了保温用二烯烃泡沫制品的术语和定义、分类和标志、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于在-196℃~125℃环境温度下工作的二烯泡沫制品。 本标准不适用于丁苯橡胶(SBR)泡沫制品。 目录 Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification and marking 5 Requirements 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Labeling 9 Packaging, transportation and storage Annex A (normative) Test methods for dimensions and density test of the tube products Annex B (normative) Test method for tensile strength under low temperature Annex C (normative) Test method for impact resistance at low temperature Annex D (normative) Test method for water absorption |