内容推荐 本书共分为5章,内容包括交流传动电力机车概述、车体的功能与结构、转向架的结构组成及各主要部件的功能与结构、主要技术参数及其总组装与调试、整备检查与常见故障处理等。 本书主要讲述HXD1D型、HXD3型交流传动电力机车,内容编排按照电力机车的结构原理、技术参数、组装调试、运用维护、故障案例的脉络循序渐进,有连贯性。本书的英语语言由浅入深,有系统性,并在每章后面配备一定数量的练习题。 本书主要用作我国海外铁路工程项目电力机车司乘人员和维修人员的岗位培训教材,也可用作国内高等院校铁道机车专业的专业英语课程教材,还可用作铁路机车制造、运用维修企业相关工程技术人员和广大机车爱好者的参考用书。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 An Overview of the Development of Electric Locomotives in China 1.2 A Summary of the HXD Series of AC Drive Electric Locomotives 1.3 The HXD1D Electric Locomotive 1.4 The HXD3 Electric Locomotive Chapter 2 Electric Locomotive Carbody 2.1 Locomotive Carbody Structure 2.1.1 Overall Composition of the Electric Locomotive 2.1.2 Functions and Classification of the Locomotive Carbody 2.1.3 The HXD1D Electric Locomotive Carbody 2.1.4 The HXD3 Electric Locomotive Carbody 2.2 Locomotive Carbody Equipment Arrangement 2.2.1 Carbody Equipment Arrangement of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 2.2.2 Carbody Equipment Arrangement of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive 2.3 Ventilation and Cooling System 2.3.1 The Types of Ventilators 2.3.2 Ventilation and Cooling System of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 2.3.3 Ventilation and Cooling System of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive 2.4 Air Pipeline System 2.4.1 Air Pipeline System of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 2.4.2 Air Pipeline System of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive 2.5 Coupler and Draft Gear 2.5.1 General Structure of the Coupler and Draft Gear 2.5.2 Coupler and Draft Gear Composition of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 2.5.3 Coupler and Draft Gear Composition of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive Chapter 3 Electric Locomotive Bogie 3.1 An Overview of the Bogie 3.1.1 Common Features of Bogie 3.1.2 Structural Characteristics of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive Bogie 3.1.3 Structural Characteristics of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive Bogie 3.2 Bogie Frame and Auxiliary Devices 3.2.1 Classification and Composition 3.2.2 Bogie Frame of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 3.2.3 Bogie Frame of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive 3.2.4 Auxiliary Devices 3.3 Elastic Suspension Mechanism 3.3.1 Axle Box 3.3.2 Primary Suspension Device 3.3.3 Secondary Suspension Device 3.4 Wheelset Driving Device 3.4.1 Wheelset 3.4.2 Motor Suspension Gear 3.4.3 Driving unit 3.5 Traction and Braking Devices 3.5.1 Traction Rod Device 3.5.2 Foundation Brake Rigging Chapter 4 Assembly and Commissioning of the Electric Locomotive 4.1 Main Technical Parameters 4.1.1 Main Structural Parameters 4.1.2 Main Performance Parameters 4.1.3 Technical Parameters Comparison 4.1.4 Axle Load Transfer 4.2 Final Assembly and Commissioning 4.2.1 In-Depot Unwheeling and Completion of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 4.2.2 Routine Maintenance Test of the HXD1D Electric Locomotive 4.2.3 Final Assembly and Commissioning of the HXD3 Electric Locomotive Chapter 5 Electric Locomotive Maintenance During Operation 5.1 Works of Service Preparation 5.1.1 Running Preparation Method 5.1.2 Preparation Working Flow 5.2 Inspection During Preparation 5.2.1 General Rules 5.2.2 Inspection Method 5.2.3 Precautions 5.2.4 Routine Inspection 5.2.5 Scheduled Inspection 5.2.6 Sequence of Inspection 5.3 Case Analysis of Locomotive Failures Appendix A Glossary References |