《新编剑桥商务英语》(SUCCESS WITH BEC)是一套专为剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)而编写的教材,同时适用于商务英语专业教学。自2001年推出第一版以来,受到广大读者和考生的欢迎,为配合英国剑桥大学考试委员会对BEC考试大纲的新修订,提供新的商务活动素材,2018年经济科学出版社隆重推出本套教材的第三版修订版。
Module 1
1.1 The gig economy
1.2 Asking and answering questions
1.3 Reading Test: Part One
Module 2
2.1 Growing the company
2.2 Presenting facts
2.3 Speaking Test: Part One
Module 3
3.1 Communication at work
3.2 Email exchange
3.3 Listening Test: Part One
Module 4
4.1 The art of selling
4.2 Presenting figures
4.3 Writing Test: Part One
Module 5
5.1 Money and finance
5.2 Discussing options
5.3 Listening Test: Part Two
Module 6
6.1 Purchasing power
6.2 Telephoning
6.3 Writing Test: Part Two
Module 7
7.1 Managing people
7.2 Report writing
7.3 Reading Test: Part Two
Module 8
8.1 Being responsible
8.2 Formal meetings
8.3 Reading Test: Part Four
Module 9
9.1 Innovation
9.2 Negotiating
9.3 Reading and Listening Tests: Part Three
Module 10
10.1 Travel and entertainment
10.2 The language of proposals
10.3 Speaking Test: Part Three
Module 11
11.1 The economy
11.2 Effective writing
11.3 Speaking Test: Part Two
Module 12
12.1 Crossing cultures
12.2 Social English
12.3 Reading Test: Part Five and Part Six
Answer key