内容推荐 《大学跨文化英语阅读教程》由上海外语教育出版社与麦克米伦教育倾力打造,将大学英语工具性和人文性有机结合,并融跨文化交际元素于通用英语教学体系。 选材注重世界不同文化的对比,充分唤起学生的本土文化意识和跨文化意识; 将文化知识的传授与跨文化交际能力的提升融入阅读技能的培养中; 练习设计生动有趣并富有挑战性,力求培养学生的主观能动性和创造性; 编者均来自英国,他们活跃在中国英语教学的第一线,同时也是英语教育研究领域的资深研究者。 本书为第2册学生用书。 目录 UNIT 1 Advertising: A Holiday of a Lifetime UNIT 2 Schooldays: An Effective Education System UNIT 3 A Tale of the Unexpected: The Snakeskin Bag UNIT 4 Personal Space: Don't Stand Too Close UNIT 5 Physical Disabilities: Overcoming Physical Disabilities UNIT 6 Western Knowledge of Chinese Science:Joseph Needham UNIT 7 Mastering a New Language: The joys of Language Learning UNIT 8 Good Teachers; Good Students: A Question of Balance UNIT 9 Eyeless Sight: The Science of a Sixth Sense UNIT 10 Superstitions: Keep Your Fingers Crossed UNIT 11 An English New Town: A Planned Town in an Unplanned Country UNIT 12 Bridging China and the West: Lin Yutang UNIT 13 Gestures: The World of Gestures UNIT 14 Romantic Fiction: Pride and Prejudice -- a Novel by Jane Austen UNIT 15 Re-engineering the Music Business UNIT 16 Application Letters: University Application Letters