内容推荐 本书是指导如何进行话语分析研究的基础读本,涵盖话语分析的基本理论和概念、话语分析的社会价值、话语分析所面临的挑战,以及话语分析批评等,并利用典型案例探讨话语分析的方法和途径等。书后附有相关术语和推荐阅读,为读者在该学术领域进行深入研究打下坚实基础。 作者简介 斯蒂芬妮·泰勒 is Senior Lecturer in Psychology in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University,UK. She has written widely on qualitative research, including discourse analysis,narrative analysisand ethnography.She is the author of Narratives of Identity and Place (2009) and (with Karen Littleton) Contemporary Identities of Creativity and Creative Work (2012). She has also edited many popular texts for undergraduate and postgraduate students at the Open University. 目录 Series foreword Acknowledgements 1 Introduction 2 Theories and common concerns 3 Four examples of discourse analysis 4 The usefulness of discourse analysis for social science researchers 5 The challenges of discourse analysis 6 Criticisms of discourse analysis 7 Summary Further reading Glossary Bibliography Index |