内容推荐 本书将英语学习的特点与学生的认知规律相结合,将知识的传授、能力的训练、方法的指导、习惯的培养相结合,架构起一个较为系统的整体培养体系。策略和能力培养的阶段要求各有侧重,又相互衔接,合理分布;编排的章节主题鲜明、条理清晰,达到了分之则序列清楚、合之则相互为用的要求。理论知识深入浅出,针对性和实践性突出,遵循了解、理解、掌握、运用的学习过程和认知规律来进行策略的系统培养;注意从各个环节加强对学生听说读写能力的训练,倡导以策略培养为主的任务型教学。 本书独辟蹊径,采用双语编写,语言简洁易懂,可以满足不同程度的英语学习者的需求,使他们在真正了解策略及其具体使用的同时,又保证了一定程度的英语输入。全书共八章,前两章以基础理论为主,介绍英语学习策略的定义和分类,以及影响学习策略形成和使用的各种因素。后六章分别介绍词汇学习策略、听力学习策略、口语学习策略、阅读学习策略、写作学习策略和文化学习策略。 目录 前言 Chapter 1 Learning Strategies 1.1 The importance of learning strategies 1.2 The questionnaire of English learning strategies 1.3 Definition of learning strategies 1.4 Classification of language learning strategies 1.5 Theoretical extension Chapter 2 Factors Influencing the Use of Strategies 2.1 The importance of factors influencing the use of strategies 2.2 Objective factors 2.3 Subjective factors 2.4 Theoretical extension Chapter 3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies 3.1 The importance of vocabulary learning 3.2 The nature of vocabulary 3.3 The questionnaire of vocabulary learning strategies 3.4 Vocabulary knowledge 3.5 Vocabulary formation 3.6 Vocabulary development 3.7 Vocabulary learning strategies 3.8 Theoretical extension Chapter 4 Listening Learning Strategies 4.1 The importance of listening 4.2 The nature of listening 4.3 The questionnaire of listening learning strategies 4.4 Before-listening strategies 4.5 During-listening strategies 4.6 After-listening strategies 4.7 Theoretical extension Chapter 5 Speaking Learning Strategies 5.1 The importance of speaking 5.2 The nature of speaking 5.3 The questionnaire of speaking learning strategies 5.4 Before-speaking strategies 5.5 During-speaking strategies 5.6 After-speaking strategies 5.7 Theoretical extension Chapter 6 Reading Learning Strategies 6.1 The importance of reading 6.2 The nature of reading 6.3 The questionnaire of reading learning strategies 6.4 Before-reading strategies 6.5 During-reading strategies 6.6 After-reading strategies 6.7 Theoretical extension Chapter 7 Writing Learning Strategies 7.1 The importance of writing 7.2 The nature of writing 7.3 The questionnaire of writing learning strategies 7.4 Writing approaches 7.5 Before-writing strategies 7.6 During-writing strategies 7.7 After-writing strategies 7.8 Theoretical extension Chapter 8 Culture Learning Strategies 8.1 The importance of culture learning 8.2 The questionnaire of culture learning strategies 8.3 The content of culture learning 8.4 Culture learning strategies 8.5 Theoretical extension References |