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书名 天津滨海新区统计年鉴(附光盘2019中英文对照)(精)
分类 经济金融-金融会计-会计
出版社 中国统计出版社
Statistical Communique on the 2018 National Economic and Social Development of Tianjin Binhai New Area
第一篇 综合
Chapter 1 General Survey
1-1 行政建制(2018年底)
Administrative Divisions(End of 2018)
1-2 滨海新区建成区面积
Developed Area of Binhai New Area
1-3 海域使用情况
Statistics on Use of Sea Area
1-4 气象资料
Meteorological Data
1-5 法人和产业活动单位数(2018年)(按登记注册类型分)
Number of Judicial Entities and Establishments,2018(Grouped by Sta~s of Registration)
1-6 法人和产业活动单位数(2018年)(按行业类别分)
Number of Judicial Entities and Establishments,2018(Grouped by Sector)
1-7 国民经济主要指标
Main Indicators of Economic Development
1-8 滨海新区国民经济主要指标占全市比重(2018年1
Main Statistics on Binhai New Area Economic Development as Percentage of Municipality,2018
1-9 国内招商引资情况(2018年)
Domestic Investment,2018
1-10 历年国内招商引资情况
Domestic Investment in Every Year
第二篇 人口、就业和劳动工资
Chapter 2 Population,Employment and Labor Wages
2-1 户籍人口数及户数
Registered Population and Households
2-2 历年户籍人口性别构成(1998.2018年)
Composition of Registered Population by Sex,1998—2018
2-3 各种特征年龄组的户籍人Ul(2018年)
Registered Population by Age Groups,2018
2-4 分开发区户籍人口数及户数(2018年)
Registered Households and Population by Developed Area,2018
2-5 户籍人口变动情况
Change of Registered Population
2-6 婚姻登记和计划生育情况(2018)
Marriage Registration and Family Planning,2018
2-7 “四上”企业从业人员(2018年)
Number of Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualification Level,2018
2-8 分开发区“四上”企业从业人员(2018年)
Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualification Level bv Developed Area
2-9 “四上”企业从业人员平均人数(2018年)
Average Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualmcation Level,2018
2-10 分开发区“四上”企业从业人员平均人数(2018年)
Average Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualification Level by Developed
2-11 职业技能培训情况
Statistics on Vocational Skill Training
2-12 人力资源市场和新增就业情况
Statistics on Human Resources Market and Newly Increased Employment
2-13 “四上”企业从业人员工资总额(2018年)
Total Remuneration of Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises abOve Designated Size 0r with Qualification Level
2-14 分开发区“四上”企业从业人员工资总额(2018年)
Total Remuneration of Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualification Level by
Developed Area,20 1 8
2-15 分开发区“四上”企业从业人员平均工资(2018年)
Average Remuneration of Employment Personnel in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or with Qualification Level
by Developed Area,20 1 8
2-16 分开发区“四上”企业在岗职工工资总额(2018年)
Total Remuneration of On-post Staff and Workers in Four Kinds of Enterprises above Designated Size or
with Qualification Level by Developed Area.2018
2-17 分开发区“四上”企业在岗职工平均工资(2018年)
Average Remuneration of On—post Staff and Workers in Four Kinds of Enterprises abOve Designated Size Or with Qualification Level by Developed Area,2018
第三篇 农业
Chapter 3 Agriculture
3-1 农村主要经济指标
Major Economic Indicators of Rural Area
3-2 农业现代化情况
Agricultural Modernization
3-3 用水情况(2009-2018年)
Statistics on Water,2009-2018
第四篇 工业
Chapter 4 Industry
第五篇 固定资产投资、房地产和建筑业
Chapter 5 Investment in Fixed Assets,Real Estate and Construction
第六篇 财政金融
Chapter 6 Government Finance and Financi




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