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书名 意义分析--语义学与语用学导论(第2版升级版)(英文版)/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
分类 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字
作者 (美)保罗·R.克勒格尔
出版社 外语教学与研究出版社
本书由语言学家Paul R.Kroeger所著,是一部融语义学与语用学于一体的作品。书中几乎涵盖了语义学和语用学的所有关键性内容,为读者迈入这两个学科的探究之路提供了有益的启示和参考,具有极高的学术价值。本书理论先进,内容深广,举例翔实,同时兼具多语种性和整体性。此外,本书还配有丰富多样的练习题,是一本实用性很强的语言学教科书。
Ⅰ Foundational concepts
1 The meaning of meaning
1.1 Semantics and pragmatics
1.2 Three"levels"of meaning
1.3 Relation between form andmeaning
1.4 What does mean mean?
1.5 Saying, meaning, and doing
1.6 "More lies ahead"(a roadmap)
2 Referring, denoting, and expressing
2.1 Talking about the world
2.2 Denotational semantics vs.cognitive semantics
2.3 Types of referring expressions
2.4 Sense vs.denotation
2.5 Ambiguity
2.6 Expressive meaning: Ouch and oops
2.6.1 Independence
2.6.2 Nondisplaceability
2.6.3 Immunity
2.6.4 Scalability and repeatability
2.6.5 Descriptive ineffability
2.6.6 Case study: Expressive uses of diminutives
2.7 Conclusion
3 Truth and inference
3.1 Truth as a guide to sentence meaning
3.2 Analytic sentences, synthetic sentences, and contradictions
3.3 Meaning relations between propositions
3.4 Presupposition
3.4.1 How to identify a presupposition
3.4.2 Accommodation: a repair strategy
3.4.3 Pragmatic vs.semantic aspects of presupposition
3.5 Conclusion
4 Thelogic oftruth
4.1 What logic can do for you
4.2 Valid patterns of inference
4.3 Propositional logic
4.3.1 Propositional operators
4.3.2 Meaning relations and rules ofinference
4.4 Predicate logic
4.4.1 Quantifiers(an introduction)
4.4.2 Scope ambiguities
4.5 Conclusion
Ⅱ Word meanings
5 Word senses
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Word meanings as construals of external reality
5.3 Lexical ambiguity
5.3.1 Ambiguity, vagueness, and indeterminacy
5.3.2 Distinguishing ambiguity from vagueness and indeterminacy
5.3.3 Polysemy vs.homonymy
5.3.4 0ne sense at a time
5.3.5 Disambiguation in context
5.4 Context-dependent extensions of meaning
5.4.1 Figurative senses
5.4.2 How figurative senses become established
5.5 "Facets"ofmeaning
5.6 Conclusion
Ⅲ Implicature
Ⅳ Compositional semantics
Ⅴ Modals, conditionals, and causation
Ⅵ Tense & aspect




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