内容推荐 “民贵君轻,政在养民”是中国古代民本思想和治国经验的集大成,是历朝历代维系中华广袤国土和多民族国家长治久安的大经大法。纵观历史更迭,每个朝代的兴衰成败都与当时统治阶层和百姓的关系息息相关。本书通过历史上真实发生的故事,说明为政者就要从一体之仁出发,以百姓之心为心,在政治上爱民重民,在经济上富民利民,在文化上教民安民,通过良政善治为人民谋幸福,为国家谋发展。 作者简介 罗嘉羽,中国人民大学学士,英国爱丁堡大学硕士,中共中央党校伦理学博士,中国传统文化促进会《群书治要》传承委员会组织部部长。曾为国家发改委“一带一路”研究院研究员。在《学习时报》《中国纪检监察报》等发表文章多篇。 目录 Publisher’s Notes Foreword Introduction Chapter One The People Are the Roots of the State, and the State Is Stable When the Roots Are Solid I. The Songs of the Five Sons: The Status of the People II. The Strength of the People: Opportunities of Time Vouchsafed by Heaven, Advantages of Situation Afforded by the Earth, and the Union Arising from the Accord of Men III. The Voice of the People and the Will of the People Chapter Two To Establish the Monarch for the People: The People Are More Important Than the Ruler I. The Choice of the People: The Great Yu Tames the River II. In the Name of the People: King Wu Crusades Against King Zhou III. The Power of the People: The Metaphor of Boat and Water Chapter Three Good Governance for the People I. Valuing the People in Politics II. Making the People Rich in Economy III. Educating the People in Culture Classic Quotes |