内容推荐 “小学英语优生训练”系列是一套适合小学一、二年级学生使用的正确学习英语及初步认识英语写作的图书,由英语特级教师审定。全书从一、二年级学生学习英语的现实需求出发,将生动鲜活的图画和具体精确的练习指导相结合,让孩子学会观察图画,学会动笔,学会准确使用单词,从而写出生动的句子和短文。本系列采用彩色印刷,纸张精美,适合小读者使用。本书是1年级基础篇,旨在帮助学生认识并正确书写单词,学习生活中常用的短语。全书图文结合,既有知识性又有趣味性,通过读一读、连一连、写一写、学一学、选一选等,充分培养学生的观察力、想象力和表达能力,可以有效提高小学生的英语能力。 目录 01 Hello! 02 I am a girl. 03 Class begins. 04 Goodbye! 05 In the zoo 06 My favorite animal 07 In the fruit supermarke 08 In the vegetable supermarket 09 The face 10 I read with my eyes. 11 I smell with my nose. 12 Playing games 13 My hobby 14 Art class 15 Music lessons 16 Lovely cats 17 Lovely dogs 18 In math class 19 How many fruits are there on the desk? 20 Can I use your ruler? 21 The rainbow is beautiful. 22 On the way 23 Beautiful balloons 24 My study 25 My family 26 My house 27 A birthday party 28 There are five people in my family. 29 I want to be a teacher. 30 Having a picnic 一年级基础篇词汇表 参考答案 |