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书名 | 中国消费(构建双循环新发展格局)(英文版) |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-中国经济 |
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出版社 | 五洲传播出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 2020年的新冠肺炎疫情给中国消费带来严重冲击。在这个背景下,未来5~10年中国消费的增长趋势如何?消费结构将发生哪些重要变化?消费在构建双循环新发展格局中扮演何种角色?全面促进消费面临着哪些结构性矛盾和改革任务?对此,结合以往的研究,适应新发展阶段的需求,我院以中国消费为主题形成2020-2021年度改革研究报告,对上述问题做出研究分析并提出相关的政策性建议。 作者简介 迟福林,研究员,博士生导师,第十一届、十二届全国政协委员。中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长。兼任中国经济体制改革研究会副会长、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长。国家“十三五”规划专家委员会委员。国家行政学院、中国井冈山干部学院、北京大学、浙江大学、东北大学等多家高等院校的特聘教授。 多年致力于经济转轨理论与实践研究,围绕我国改革开放进程中的重大经济、社会问题,在政府转型和基本公共服务均等化等方面进行深入研究。在上述研究领域,共出版中英文专著四十余部,公开发表学术论文八百余篇,形成研究报告七十余部,提交了大量政策建议报告,在决策和实践层面产生了积极影响。曾获得“五个一工程奖”、“孙冶方经济科学论文奖”、“中国发展研究奖”等研究奖项。享受国务院特殊津贴专家,2002年被中组部、中宣部、国家人事部和国家科学技术部联合授予“全国杰出专业技术人才”荣誉称号,2009年入选“影响新中国60年经济建设的100位经济学家”,2015年入选《20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(经济学卷)》。 目录 Foreword Overview China in the New Era of Consumption I. Main Trend in the New Era of Consumption II. Consumption Upgrading Promoting High-Quality Development III. Promote Structural Reform in the Context of Consumption-Oriented Transformation Chapter 1 The World’s Largest Consumer Market Section 1 Enter the New Era of Consumption I. Continual Expansion of Consumption Scale II. Overall Rapid Growth of New Forms of Consumption III. Formation of New Consumer Groups IV. Popularization of New Consumption Concepts V. Impetus for Entering the New Era of Consumption Section 2 Consumption under the Impact of Pandemic I. 2020: Consumption Was Seriously Impacted by the Pandemic II. Pandemic Has not Changed the Long-Term Growth Trend of Consumption Section 3 14th Five-Year Plan: Consumption Will Maintain Fairly Rapid Growth I. Continual Growth of Consumer Market II. Consumption Standard Keeps on Rising III. China Will Become the World’s Largest Consumer Market Chapter 2 Cities Drive Consumption Section 1 Integration of Urbanization with Consumption Upgrading I. Consumption Upgrading and Urbanization II. Urbanization Drives Consumption Upgrading III. Consumption Function and Consumption Bearing Capacity Influence the Competitiveness of Cities IV. Cities in China Strive to Foster New Forms of Consumption Section 2 Growth Space for Consumption in Urbanization I. Urbanization Is Still in Accelerated Development II. Urbanization Brings Huge Consumption and Investment Demands III. Urbanization Produces Huge Scale Effect of Public Consumption IV. Continuous Release of Consumption Demands Triggered by Urbanization Section 3 Big Cities and Metropolitan Areas Become Consumption Centers I. New Trend of Population Gathering in Central Cities and City Clusters II. Metropolitan Areas Become a Windvane Leading Consumption Upgrading III. Regional Integration Pushes the Development of Regional Consumption Center Cities Section 4 International Influence of Urbanization and Consumption Upgrading I. An Emerging Power in Pursuit of International Quality for Commodities and Services II. Rising of International Consumption Center Cities III. Important Influence on Regional Economy and World Economy Chapter 3 Promote Rural Consumption in All Aspects Section 1 Rural Area Is a Big Consumer Market I. A Massive Rural Population in China II. Income Level of Rural Residents Keeps on Rising III. Rural Area Is a Growing Big Consumer Market Section 2 Silent Changes in Rural Consumption I. Upgrading of Durable Consumer Goods for Rural Residents II. Rapid Growing of Public Consumption Demands of Rural Residents III. Fairly Rapid Growth of New Types of Consumption of Rural Residents Section 3 Promote New Types of Rural Consumption in All Aspects I. Provide Important Conditions for the Overall Development of New Types of Rural Consumption by Sending Elements to Rural Areas II. Promote New Types of Rural Consumption with Integrated Development of Industries III. Promote the Development of Green Agriculture with Green Consumption IV. Push the Development of Intelligent Agriculture with Digital Consumption Chapter 4 Consumption Gives Rise to Industrial Transformation Section 1 Benign Interaction of Consumption Structure Upgrading with Industrial Structure Transformation I. Upgrading of Industrial Structure Is Accompanied by Evolution of Consumption Structure II. The New Trend of Service-Oriented Consumption Gives Rise to New Forms in the Development of Service Industry III. 2025: Service Industry Will Account for about 60% Section 2 Consumption Structure Upgrading Will Promote Scientific and Technological Transformation I. The Upgrading of Consumption Structure Provides an Application Market for Technological Transformation II. |
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