内容推荐 本书作者在以往十多年有关我国自贸区战略和政策研究的大量成果的基础上,对全球化视野下的我国自贸区战略进行历史的、全面的梳理和分析,并对自贸区战略规划思路与政策提出建议。 本书在对我国经济发展的总体概况进行总结研究的基础上,论述了新形势下我国加快推进自贸区战略的意义,并对自贸区战略的经济影响、进展以及未来推进的难点进行分析。全书案例丰富,结合重要的文献资料,条理清晰,是一本较有学术价值的著作。 作者简介 马雷克·赫鲁贝克(Marek Hrubec),捷克科学院全球研究中心主任兼高级研究员、欧洲科学院成员、中国社科院中国-中东欧研究所国际学术委员会成员。曾出版多部关于全球化研究、中国和中欧关系、跨文化对话等方面的著作。 目录 Acknowledgment Introduction PART 1 Theoretical, Legal and Environmental Preconditions of the Belt and Road Initiative The Belt and Road Initiative Following the Keystones of China's Civilisation and Opening Up The Legal Aspects of the Belt and Road Initiative China's Economic and Legal Interdependence on the Global Stage The Living Environment and Sustainability Application within China's Natural Resources PART 2 The Economic and Financial Dynamic in PR China and the Belt and Road Capital Flows of China New Challenges in Project Financing of the Belt and Road Initiative Analysis of the Development and Expanding of China's Internet Economy PART 3 The China-Europe Economic Interactions and the "17+1 Cooperation" Chinese Cooperation with Europe in Trade and Investment: 40 Years New Era of China-EU Investment Protection China's Active Participation in International Rule-setting: The Case of the "17+1 Cooperation" within the Belt and Road Initiative Framework PART 4 A Case Study: Czech-China Economic Interactions The Current Situation, Trends and Countermeasures of Bilateral Trade between China and the Czech Republic Czech-China Economic Relations |