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书名 | 一带一路倡议与中非合作论坛八大行动(英文版)/国家智库报告 |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-中国经济 |
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出版社 | 中国社会科学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 始于2000年的中非合作论坛是中非间友好合作的重要机制化合作平台,中非合作论坛在促进中非共同发展,提升非洲发展能力方面发挥了积极作用。“一带一路”是新时代中国开展国际合作的重要倡议,“一带一路”旨在通过合作促进合作国家的共同发展。“一带一路”倡议得到了世界广泛的认同。2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会中非一致同意将中非合作论坛作为共建“一带一路”的主要平台,峰会所提出的“八大行动”将成为深化中非合作,构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体的重要推手。本报告从产业促进、设施联通、贸易便利等方面分析了中非合作论坛八大行动落实情况以及中非一带一路合作。 目录 Chapter Ⅰ The Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 1.1 The FOCAC is a Major Platform for China and Africa to Jointly Build the BRI 1.2 Jointly Building the B &R Reflects the Achievements of the FOCAC 1.3 The Joint Construction of the B& R will Consolidate FOCAC Chapter Ⅱ The Belt and Road Initiative and Promoting Industry in Africa 2.1 The Present Situation of Industrial Cooperation between China and Africa 2.2 Developing the Potential to Release the Driving Force of China-Africa Cooperation 2.3 Suggestions for Cooperation Chapter Ⅲ The Belt and Road Initiative and Infrastructure Connectivity with Africa 3.1 The Development Status of China-Africa Infrastructure Connectivity Cooperation 3.2 Development Opportunities for China-Africa Cooperation in Facilities 3.3 The Development Challenge of China-Africa Facility Connection and Cooperation Chapter Ⅳ The Belt and Road Initiative and Trade Facilitation in Africa 4.1 The Overall Situation of the BRI Promoting Trade Facilitation in Africa 4.2 Opportunities Created by the Belt and Road Initiative te Promote Trade Facilitation in Africa 4.3 Develop ment Challenges in the Facilitation of Trade in Africa Chapter Ⅴ The Belt and Road Initiative and Green Development in Africa 5.1 The Current Situation of China-Africa Green Development Cooperation 5.2 Developmental Challenges in China-Africa Green Development Cooperation 5.3 Suggestions on Green Development for China and Africa Chapter Ⅵ The Belt and Road Initiative and Capacity Building in Africa 6.1 The Belt and Road Initiative Enhances the Overall State of Capacity-Building in Africa 6.2 Challenges in the Improvement of Construction and Development in Africa 6.3 Improving Capacity-Building in African Countries with A New Concept of Development Chapter Ⅶ The Belt and Road Initiative and Health Develop ment in Africa 7.1 The Overall Status of China-Africa Health Cooperation 7.2 Opportunities for China-Africa Health Cooperation 7.3 Challenges to China-Africa Health Cooperation 7.4 Suggestions for China-Africa Health Cooperation Chapter Ⅷ The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Cultural Exchanges 8.1 The Current Situation of China-African National Exchange and Cultural Integration 8.2 Opportunities for China-Africa Ethnic Exchanges and Cultural Integration 8.3 The Challenge of China-Africa Ethnic Exchange and Cultural Integration Chapter Ⅸ The Belt and Road Initiative Develops People-to-people Ties Between China and Africa 9.1 China-Africa Cultural Exchange and Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative 9.2 China-Africa Education Exchange and Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative 9.3 China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative 9.4 China-Africa Exchanges and Cooperation in Other People-to people Fields Chapter Ⅹ The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation 10.1 Achievements and Opportunities in China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation 10.2 The Challenges Facing China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Chapter Ⅺ The Belt and Road Initiative and the African Response 11.1 The Consensus of China and Africa on the BRI 11.2 African Union's Understanding and Expectations of the B&R 11.3 The Official and Civilian Understandings of the BRI in African Countries 11.4 The Understanding of the BRI by the Major Media in Africa 11.5 African Think Tanks and Scholars' Understanding of the BRI 11.6 Chinese Thinking Chapter Ⅻ The Belt and Road Initiative and the International Public Opinion 12.1 The BRI and the General Status of the International Public Opinion 12.2 Opportunity 12.3 Challenges and Responses |
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