内容推荐 新冠肺炎疫情是对世界各国人民身体健康和生命安全的一个重大威胁,更是对全球公共卫生安全的一次重大挑战。本书从新冠肺炎的全球抗疫情况入手,介绍中国的抗“疫”,更展现世界并肩共同抗“疫”的努力。病毒没有国界,不分种族。任何国家都不能置身其外,独善其身。本书用图文结合的方式,反映抗疫这一全球公共安全卫生事件,通过深刻的回顾和思考,对人类命运共同体进行深刻的阐释。 目录 A Global Pandemic Raging Virus Stick Together in Crisis COVID-19, Common Enemy of Humanity China's Fight on the Frontline of Global COVID-19 Control Defending Wuhan A Nationwide Effort Fighters in White Coats Backbone on the Firing Line Nobody Shall Be Abandoned The Rule of Law Must Be Upheld Rebirth Under the Same Sky: The Wofld Acts for One Goal Closer Ties Between Countries and Peoples Information Quickly Passed to the World China Gives Back to the World Medical Resources in the Cloud We Stand Together NGOs Contribute to Global Cooperation on Virus Contro1 One Voice, One Future Heads of State Join Hands to Fight the Virus "We stand with you, China." "China will win." "The epidemic is a common challenge for the world." "Thank you, China." "The world needs China's experience to deal with the epidemic" "United, we will defeat the virus." Create a Better Future Togethef No Man Is an Island Work Together to Beat the Epidemic Shared Future:Choice at the Crossroads |