内容推荐 本书内容设置立足我国生态文明建设和水环境保护要求,重点突出理论与实践结合,融合创新教育的思想观念和启发式教学目的,实现基本方法、技术原理、工艺系统、新工艺动态(《第一篇污(废)水处理理论、技术与创新》),和因地制宜的方法、工艺、技术在典型污(废)水治理案例应用案例(《第二篇典型污(废)水处理工艺及其应用》)的有机融合;以新方法、新技术的介绍为亮点(突出技术创新理念),以具体技术在解决我国实际水污染问题的应用为特色(突出冈地制宜解决问题的新思路),科学设置综合能力考察的问题与强化创新能力的思考题,使得创新教育思想观念得以贯彻实施。 本书在编写过程中充分考虑中国学生专业外语的实际应用与能力提升,除了必须出现的专业术语以外,采用简单、直接和明确的表达方式,让初步接触专业英文教材的本科生能顺利阅读,并对同内外的英文技术资料产生学习兴趣、拓展其国际视野和培养其终身学习能力。本书适合普通高校给排水科学与工程以及环境工程等相关专业师生专业课双语学习与参考,也可供从事水污染治理的科研人员和工程技术人员阅读。 目录 Part I Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Innovations Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 1 Environmental Effects of Wastewater 1.2 Characteristics of Wastewatcr 1.2.1 Main Contaminants in Wastcwater 1.2.2 Organic Contents in Wastewater 1.3 Wastewater Treatment Process Chapter 2 Physical Treatment 2.1 Equalization 2.1.1 The Principles of Equalization 2.1.2 Types of Equalization Processes 2.1.3 Equalization Basin and Design 2.2 Sedimentation 2.2.1 Particles for Settling 2.2.2 Sedimentation Basin 2.3 Filtration 2.3.1 Granular Media 2.3.2 Filter Types and Backwash 2.3.3 Traditional and Innovative Filter System 2.4 Flotation 2.4.1 Mechanism 2.4.2 Process Design 2.4.3 New Induced-Air Flotation System Chapter 3 Chemical Treatment 3. 1 Neutralization 3.1.1 Types of Processes 3.1.2 System and Control 3.2 Chemical Precipitation 3.2.1 Hydroxide Precipitation 3.2.2 Sulfide Precipitation 3.2.3 Iron and Aluminum Salt Precipitation 3.3 Chemical Oxidation 3.3.1 Chlorine 3.3.2 Ozone Oxidation 3.3.3 Hydrogcn Peroxide Chapter 4 Physicochemical Treatment 4. 1 Adsorption 4.1.1 Theory of Adsorption 4.1.2 Properties of Activated Carbon 4.1.3 Adsorption System 4.2 Coagulation 4.2.1 Coagulation Mechanism 4.2.2 Coagulant Classification, Function and Selection 4.2.3 Improvement in Coagulation Process 4.3 Ion Exchange 4.3.1 Theoretical Basis of Ion Exchange 4.3.2 Ion Exchange Process 4.3.3 Plating Waste Treatment and Reuse Chapter 5 Biological Treatment 5.1 Foundation of Biological Treatment 5.1.1 Characteristics of Microorganisms 5.1.2 Microbial Growth Kinetics 5.1.3 Factors Affecting Biological Treatment 5.2 Activated Sludge Process 5.2.1 Basic Concepts and Processes 5.2.2 Different Operation Modes of Activated Sludge Process 5.2.3 Oxidation Ditch System 5.2.4 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) 5.2.5 Special Considerations of Industrial Wastewatcr 5.3 Traditional and Advanced Biofilm Process 5.3 1 Biofilm 5.3 2 Trickling Filter 5.3 3 Submerged Fixed Bed Biofilm Reactor 5.3 4 Rotating Biological Contactor 5.3 5 Fluidized and Expanded Bed Biofilm Reactor 5.3 6 Biofilm Airlift Suspension Reactor 5.3.7 Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor 5.4 Anaerobic Biological Treatment 5.4.1 Mechanism and Principles 5.4.2 Anaerobic Contact Process 5.4.3 Anaerobic Filter Reactor 5.4.4 Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Chapter 6 Ecological Treatment. Lagoons and Wetlands 6.1 Lagoons and Stabilization Basins 6.1. 1 Lagoons and Their Types 6.1.2 Lagoon Applications 6.1.3 New Aerated Lagoons System 6.2 Constructed Wetlands and Their Modifications 6.2.1 Components of Constructed Wetlands 6.2.2 Types and Modifications of CWs 6.2.3 Application of CWs in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Chapter 7 Innovative Technologies 7.1 Fenton Oxidation 7.1.1 Principles of Fenton Oxidation 7.1.2 Optimum Operating Conditions 7.1.3 Electro-Fenton Oxidation 7.2 Membrane Biorector 7.2.1 Membrane Separation Principles 7.2.2 Membrane Biorcactor Process 7.2 |