内容推荐 本书与英语五年级上册教科书语音板块内容一致,分别学习五个元音字母的短音、五个元音字母的长音、常见元音字母及辅音字母组合的发音,同时渗透重音、连读、升降调等方面的语音知识。选编约40篇题材新颖、符合小学生学习兴趣和认知水平的语音阅读材料。 选编的语音阅读材料既关注语音内容及要求,又注重题材的多样性,内容鲜活,可读性强。文本形式有朗朗上口的诗歌、童谣、绕口令;有涉及日常生活、文化习俗、童话寓言等内容的叙述文体,如对话、小故事等;也有应用文体,如日记、广告、电子邮件、便条、海报等。选材基于教科书,又高于教科书,并按从易到难的顺序编排,关注语音学习的趣味性和丰富性,便于教师在进行语音教学时选用或改编,为学生语言能力的发展打下良好的基础。 目录 y A candy party Kitty and Puppy Lily and Lucky Kathy and Happy A Daddy Robot Mary's strawberry party ee, ea Bee and pea Dee and Tee Does a flea have any feet? A sweet dream What do you see? Lee and Jean's travel ow A cow and an owl Yellow snow A sweet home The sow and the cow Snow's four seasons Three clowns oo Go fishing Good shoot! A good cook Mr Hook is cool My moon school ai, ay Jay's special tail Grandma's birthday gift Kay and Jay Rain's week on the farm Paint love ou A bouncing mouse A mouse wants to bite the blouse Mr Bow has a house A greedy cat Clouds in the sky Meaning and keys |