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内容推荐 本书是《语义学》的第四版,在形式和内容上进行了全面更新,反映了语义学研究领域的最新理论发展,如“因果关系”“情境类型分析”“词汇语用学”“构式语法”等方面有大量新增内容。此外,本书每章都配有小结、思考题及答案,方便读者理解原书并作进一步研究。 目录 Figures and Tables Preface Abbreviations and Symbols Part I Preliminaries 1 Semantics in Linguistics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Semantics and Semiotics 1.3 Three Challenges in Doing Semantics 1.4 Meeting the Challenges 1.5 Semantics in a Model of Grammar 1.5.1 Introduction 1.5.2 Word meaning and sentence meaning 1.6 Some Important Assumptions 1.6.1 Reference and sense 1.6.2 Utterances, sentences, and propositions 1.6.3 Literal and non-literal meaning 1.6.4 Semantics and pragmatics 1.7 Summary Exercises Further Reading Notes References 2 Meaning, Thought, and Reality 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Reference 2.2.1 Types of reference 2.2.2 Names 2.2.3 Nouns and noun phrases 2.3 Reference as a Theory of Meaning 2.4 Mental Representations 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 Concepts 2.4.3 Necessary and sufficient conditions 2.4.4 Prototypes 2.4.5 Relations betzveen concepts 2.4.6 Acquiring concepts 2.5 Words, Concepts,and Thinking 2.5.1 Linguistic relativity 2.5.2 The language of thought hypothesis 2.5.3 Thought and reality 2.6 Summary Exercises Further Reading Notes References Part Ⅱ Semantic Description 3 Word Meaning 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Words and Grammatical Categories 3.3 Words and Lexical Items 3.4 Problems with Pinning Down Word Meaning 3.5 Lexical Relations 3.5.1 Homonymy 3.5.2 Polysemy 3.5.3 Synonymy 3.5.4 Opposites (antonymy) 3.5.5 Hyponymy 3.5.6 Meronymy …… Part Ⅲ Theoretical Approaches Solutions to Exercises Glossary Index |