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书名 关于价格和货币流通状况的历史第5卷
分类 经济金融-金融会计-金融
作者 (英)托马斯·图克(ThomasTooke),
出版社 中国物资出版社
"托马斯·图克(Thomas Tooke)(1774—1858年)是英国有名的经济学家、货币和价格理论专家,英国银行学派的创始人和主要代表人物之一。
威廉·纽马奇(William Newmarch)(1820-1882年)是英国有名经济学家、统计学家。"
SECTION 1 Introduction ……………………………………………… 3
SECTION 2 Character of the season 1847-1848.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 6
SECTION 3 Character of the season 1848-1849.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 12
SECTION 4 Character of the season 1849-1850.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 15
SECTION 5 Character of the season 1850-1851.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 21
SECTION 6 Character of the season 1851-1852.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 27
SECTION 7 Character of the season 1852-1853.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 34
SECTION 8 Character of the season 1853-1854.
Prices and estimated produce of wheat …………………… 44
SECTION 9 The large importations of foreign corn from 1845-1846
to 1853-1854. And the opposite theories of diminished home
production and increased home consumption …………… 55
SECTION 10 The same subject continued. Probable effect of the Corn Law
if it had been in force in 1848-1849. Large production and
low prices in France and central Europe ……………… 62
SECTION 11 On the effect of variations in the supply of wheat on its
price, and on the consumption of it as the food of man.
Principles stated in 1821 ……………………………… 72
SECTION 12 The same subject continued. Facts in illustration
afforded by the periods 1828-1837,and 1838-1841 …… 79
SECTION 13 A consideration of the more important causes which lead
to fluctuations in the price of corn; with particular
reference to the doctrines put forward by the promoters
of agricultural statistics ………………………………… 89
SECTION 14 The same subject continued. Illustrations derived
from the experience of the years 1846 to 1855 ………… 98
SECTION 15 On the relative productiveness of the harvests in England
during the forty years 1815-1854. Mr. Jacobs
researches in 1826-1828 ……………………………… 106
SECTION 16 The same subject continued. Result of the researches of
M. Paucton with reference to the consumption
of corn in France about the year 1780 ……………… 122
SECTION 17 The same subject continued. Results of the surveys of
cropper, benson, and company, 1813-1836; and of
Mr. Sandars, 1837-1855 …………………………… 129
SECTION 18 On the general principles which may best regulate the function
of government in providing offi information relative to
agricultural produce. The alleged deficiency of agricultural,
as compared with commer, statistics ……………… 148
SECTION 19 The same subject continued. Erroneous notion of the facts
relative to the harvest of 1846. And erroneous inferences
drawn by high authorities from those facts …………… 156
SECTION 20 The same subject continued. Erroneous views as to the real
functions of the intermediate dealers between the growers
and consumers of corn in this country ………………… 163
SECTION 21 The same subject continued. The alleged example of
foreign countries—M. Coquelins account of the true
purpose of the cadastre in France ……………………… 168
SECTION 22 On the nature of the practical methods by which in this country
a fair or just equilibrium of the price of raw produce,
such as corn, is maintained. Difficulties not to
be overcome by the most elaborate statistics …………… 182
SECTION 23 The same subject continued. Motives operating upon a large
class of farmers to observe a definite annual rule as to the
sale of their corn ……………………………………… 185
SECTION 24 The same subject continued. Motives operating upon another
class of farmers as regards the accumulation
of stocks ……………………………………………… 188
SECTION 25 On the relation between the cost of the production of corn,
and its current price during short intervals …………… 191
SECTION 26 The import cost of foreign grain during the thirty-five years
1821-1855. Magnitude of that import. Cost since 1846.
Recent improvements directed to larger domestic
production of grain …………………………………… 196
SECTION 27 The effective legislative provision existing since 1846 for the
application of capital to land improvement, espely
drainage. Progress actually made. Extent of the field
to be yet occupied ……………………………………… 203
SECTION 28 The effect of improved tenures of land in Ireland and in
England; and the increased application of machinery to
purposes of cultivation during the last seven years …… 209
SECTION 29 Probable future range in this country of the prices of corn.
Opinions expressed in year 1847. New influences to
be considered ………………………………………… 213
SECTION 30 Character of the season and harvest of 1855. Prices and
estimated produce of wheat …………………………… 219
SECTION 31 Character of the season 1855-1856. Prices and estimated
produce of wheat ……………………………………… 227
SECTION 32 Summary of conclusions with reference to the prices of
corn 1847-1856; and to the corn trade ……………… 242
SECTION 1 Introduction …………………………………………… 249
SECTION 2 Influence of political events—railway expenditure—
state of trade—in the year 1848 ……………………… 251
SECTION 3 State of credit—depreciation of railway property—
condition of trade—course of prices—in year 1849 …… 264
SECTION 4 Prices of raw materials—rise in price of silver—
prices of produce—in year 1850 ……………………… 275
SECTION 5 State of trade—fall of the prices of produce—effects of
Hyde Park Exhibition—in year 1851 ………………… 287
SECTION 6 Effect of Australian trade—increasing activity—of
year 1852 ……………………………………………… 299
SECTION 7 State of trade—rise in the rate of discount—anticipations
of the future—in the early part of 1853 ……………… 304
SECTION 8 Movement for higher wages in 1853. Difficulties of the autumn.
The great strike at Preston ……………………………… 317
SECTION 9 Events of the autumn of 1853 —prices in 1852 and 1853.
General review of the trade of 1853 …………………… 332
SECTION 10 Effects of the war in 1854. Fall of the rate of interest.
Influence of the influx of gold ………………………… 344
SECTION 11 State of trade in 1855. Review of the influence of
the war, 1854-1855 …………………………………… 362
SECTION 12 Return of peace early in 1856. Comparative prices, 1854,
1855, and 1856 ……………………………………… 382
SECTION 13 Summary of conclusions with reference to the prices of
commodities and state of trade, 1848-1856 …………… 385




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