内容推荐 本书从语义、形态句法、语用和类型学等角度考察满语的条件句式。在本书中,“条件句式”(conditional eonstructions)是基于满足语义和形态句法标准的“原型”(prototypes)来定义的。一方面,语义标准规定原型的条件句式把两个事态(state of affairs)关联起来,其中一个事态是另外一个事态的原因,而任何一个事态都不能认为是已经实现的。另一方面,形态句法标准规定原型的条件句式应当频繁地、首要地表达条件意义。那些仅满足部分标准的句式则为“条件句式”这个范畴的“非原型”。条件句式的原型与非原型均为本书关注的对象。 本书分析的数据(例句)来自一个由清朝满语文本组成的自制语料库。选取的例句或者表达条件意义,或者在其从句中含有条件副动词V-ci组成的结构(此副动词结构是表达条件关系的首要方式)。根据前述定义,符合语义和句法形态标准的例句可视为“候选”原型条件句式。其他例句则视作条件句式的非原型。 在确定原型条件句式的形态句法类型时,本书的依据是语料库中语言的实际用例,以及清朝的满人所描写的语法中所记录的条件句。在讨论非原型条件句时,将其与原型句式联系起来。本书借鉴其他学者的研究方法,涉及多个“域”(domain),包括“(命题)内容域”(the content domain)、“言语行为域”(the speech-act domain)、“认识域”(the epistemic domain)与“感知域”(the perceptual domain),因为条件关系的某些方面就在这些不同的域中展现出来。 此外,本书比较了满语的条件句式与其他在亲缘关系或类型学上相近的阿尔泰(或类阿尔泰)语言的条件句式,将满语置于更大的类型学图景中,以期对将来类似的研究提供一些借鉴。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Manchu Language 1.2 Manchu Materials Used in the Present Study 1.3 Contents of the Book Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Review of Studies on Conditionals 2.2 Review of Linguistic Studies on Manchu Language 2.3 Summary: The Theoretical Framework of the Present Study Chapter 3 A Grammar of Manchu Verbs 3.1 The Manchu Verb System 3.2 Verbs that Can Function as Auxiliary Verbs Chapter 4 Data Analysis 4.1 Basic Patterns of Conditional Constructions 4.2 Non-prototypical Conditional Constructions 4.3 Constructions Expressing Temporal Meanings 4.4 Speech Act Conditionals 4.5 Concessive Constructions 4.6 Parallel Constructions 4.7 Evaluative Conditionals 4.8 Conditionals and Topic Constructions 4.9 Constructions Containing Perception Verbs or Cognition Verbs 4.10 Other Types of Constructions Chapter 5 Discussion 5.1 The Prototypes of Conditional Constructions 5.2 Prototypical Conditionals and Their Relations to Other Non-conditional Constructions Chapter 6 Conclusion 6.1 Typological Comparisons between Conditionals in Manchu and Those in Other Altaic (and Altaic-like) Languages 6.2 The Contribution of the Present Study Bibliography |