作者简介 学愚,俗名成祖渔,华东师范大学哲学系教授,中国佛教学会创立者及首任会长。爱荷华大学哲学博士后,人间佛教研究中心主任等。著有 《中国佛教的社会主义改造》,主编《佛学思想与佛教文化研究》等。 目录 CONTENTSTransmission of Buddhism and the Maritime Silk Route 1Significance of Buddha’s Sacred Tooth Relic in China-Myanmar Relations 30Buddhist Culture and Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century 53Xuanzang as a Source for the History of Indian Buddhism 65Thai Chinese: Their Language, Culture and Religion 92Nālandā: Its sacred Sites in the Past and Present Conditions 105The "Great Circle" of Buddhism and the Connections between India and China 119Symbol of Buddhist Motifs Decorated on Architectural Roof (11th - Early 15th Centuries) in Northern Vietnam 129The Role of the Mac Family (Leizhou, Guangdong, China) in the Development of Buddhism in Ha Tien Region under the Lord Nguyen (Century XVIII) 144The Role China Should Play in Leading the Asian Continents to the Apex in All Spheres of Life 159Worship of the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha in Myanmar and Its Connections to China 171 内容推荐 《佛教文化与海上丝绸之路》是一本全英文论文集。所收论文立足于对佛教经典的再研读,并借助历史资料以及近期新的考古发现和研究成果,探讨佛教文化传播与海上丝绸之路的关联与相互影响。论文集中不仅关涉佛教文化如何经由海上丝绸之路传播到中国之情况,也探讨了佛教文化在海上丝绸路的周边国家的传播情况,包括对当地文化之影响,以及沿途国家之经济、文化、政治等方面对佛教文化传播的推动等。更有对大、小乘佛教的各自发展、佛教哲学意义的详细分析,具有较高的学术价值和社会价值。 |