释义 |
baptism ['bæp.tɪ.zəm] noun countable or uncountable ■a Christian ceremony in which a person has water poured on their head, or is covered for a very short time in water, in order to show that they have become a member of the Christian Church (基督教的)洗礼,浸礼•infant baptism婴儿洗礼 ['bæp.tɪ.zəm] noun countable or uncountable a baptism of/by fire ■a very difficult first experience of something 初次的痛苦经历;战火的洗礼•I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real baptism of fire.第一个月就让我管理一个百万美元的企划——这实在是个严峻的考验。 |