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书名 | 2019中非纺织服装国际论坛论文集 |
分类 | 科学技术-工业科技-轻工业 |
作者 | 邱夷平主编 |
出版社 | 中国纺织出版社有限公司 |
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简介 | 作者简介 东华大学纺织学院原院长,东华大学学术委员会委员,特聘教授。 目录 Suface Modification of Weft?knitted Space Fa ics fo Hydopho ic Behavio Using Silica Aeogels Dip?coating Study of Hydopho ic and Oleophilic Nanocoated PMMA Based Cotton Fa ics Locating the Cente of Thee?Dimensional Tiangula Mesh of Daped Fa ic and Studying Its Application on Fa ic Hand Poly (vinylidene fluoide) Modification via Electostatic Spay of Coppe?nickel Plated PET Woven Filtes with Low Pessue Dop fo Effective PM 2.5 Removal Conductive Fa ic?Based Altenating?Cuent Electoluminescence Textile with Excellent Luminescence Popeties Design and Development of Manual Hank Reeling Machine Stess and Stain of Polyme Components Duing the Bicomponent Electospining Pocess Pepaation and Popeties of Pyole?educed Gaphene Oxide Based Fa ic Electode Mateials Evaluation of Polypopylene Melt? lown Nonwoven as Oil So ents Expeimental Study on the Wicking Effect of Fi e Slives Applied to Iigation Based on the Pinciple of Plant Nutient Tanspotation A Flexi le Yan?like Lithium Ion Battey The Effect of Plasma Modification on Electical Popeties of CNT Film and Its Nanocomposites Physical Densification on the Mechanical and Electical Popeties of Twisted CNT Yan Effects of Extusion Speed and Spinning Voltage on the Mophology of Fi es Poduced via Single?step 3D Electospinning Effect of Stacking Sequence on Mechanical Popeties of Jute/Glass Reinfoced PBS Hy id Composites Fa ication and Mechanical Popeties of Apocynum Venetum Fi e Reinfoced Polylactic Acid Biocomposites Study on Pepaation Pocess and Tensile Popeties of New High?density Biaxial Wap Knitting PVC Tent Mateials Effect of Plasma Teatment on the Suface Popeties of Ca on Fi e Bundles Pepaation and Popeties Study of Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol Blended Fi e Mem ane fo Medical Dessing A Smat Belt Fa icated Though 3D Pinting Technology Fo Monitoing Hand Gestue Analysis of Coopeation Between China, Kenya and Se ia in the Famewok of the Wold Univesity Union in the Belt and Road Initiative (WTUA) A Novel Imidazole?Coppe (II) Complex as the Latent Cuing Agent fo Epoxy Resins and Thei Application in Glass Fi e?Reinfoced Composites Numeical Simulation of Compession Behaviou of 3D Knitted Space Fa ics at the Yan Level Tansvese Impact Behavios of 3D Angle?Intelock Woven Composite at Su zeo Tempeatues Synthesis of Highly Fluoescent Gold?Silve Bimetallic Nanoclustes Mediated y Wool Keatin Textile Micostip Antenna with Atifi Magnetic Con?ducto fo Weaa le Applications Effect of Atmospheic Pessue Plasma Teatment on the Popeties of Ramie Fi e Mechanical Popety of Flexi le Envelope Composites fo Statospheic Aiships Effect of Paametes on Mophology and Stuctue of Electospun Polystyene Filament Study on Mechanical Popeties of Thee?dimensional Wap Knitted Supe?space Fa ic Reinfoced Space Mem anes Exploation on Watepoof and Moistue Conducting Fa ic Based on Computeized Flat Knitting Machine Soft Actuated Devices Mechanisms of Textile Mateials and Fa ication Pocess Designs Study on the Chaacteization and Measuement Methods of Helical Nanofi e Fully?ecycla le High?pefomance Ca on Fi e Reinfoced Composites Recycla le Ca on Fi e Reinfoced Composites Ena led y an Imine?Containing Epoxy Resin Effects of Coe?shell Polyme Nanopaticles on the Intelamina Factue Toughness of Ca on Fi e Reinfoced Epoxy Composites One Themo?Latent Fast?Cuing Epoxy Resin and Its Application in Ca on Fi e Reinfoced Composites Intelamina Factue Toughness of Ca on Fi e/Epoxy Composites Toughened y Polyphenylene Oxide Paticles Wate one Polyuethane and Silk Seicin and Wool Keatin Seicin Composite Films Reinfoced y Ultasonic Modification A Compaative Study of Afican Taditional Jewely and Moden Afican Style Jewely Expessive Language Convolutional Neual Netwoks fo Yan Dyed Fa ic Image Recognition Study on Moistue Pemea ility and Di 内容推荐 本书为中非纺织服装国际论坛会议论文集,会议每年召开一次,将通过大会组委会专家评审委员会评审出来的获奖论文编辑成册,论文多来自中非国家纺织服装高等院校的教授、学者、博硕士生,论文学术水准交稿,研究问题新颖,观点明确,数据真实可靠,主要反映中非国家纺织服装新 |
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